Not welcome

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I walked to the porch and then climbed up to the door.
I tried to twist the handle but it didn't open.

The door wasn't locked, the handle was jammed.

It had been so for the past one week.

I have to get it checked.

"I'll hold him, you can try on that." Derek said asking me to give Ben to him.

"Maybe you should use some of your energy to open it." I said and tightened my grip on Ben.
Give my son in the hands of a devil who had his gun placed on him a moment ago.

"As you wish, love" he said and I made way for him to reach the handle.

"You know, at my mansion, such things don't happen" he looked at me and winked.

With no effort, he opened it in a single go.

"After you" he said and I walked pass him to the main hall.

He followed me.

What was I going to do?

If Mini sees Derek, she will definitely tell Mike that 'a big guy' visited us today.
And I cannot lie in front of him.
And if he knows...then he will...I don't know how mad he will be at me to let Derek inside the house.
Such thoughts always hamper my brain when I am doing something wrong.

"I'll be right back." I said and went to the kitchen.
Hoping to find Stella.

And I did.

I put Ben on the kitchen counter and said "Stella I have a visitor, for some official purpose, will you please look after him. And make sure that he stays away from sharp things"

Without waiting for a reply, I rushed back to the main hall.

Derek was standing there.

"Follow me" I said and started walking.

Derek followed me.

"You are not taking me to bed, are you?" he joked.

I didn't reply and kept walking.

I took him to a room at the back side of the house.

It was a conference room.

Actually whenever there is a party at our place, a few businessmen gather and then they need some privacy for their official talk, so this room was for those type of discussions.

He got in and I locked the door after him.

"What is it that you want?" I asked.

"I didn't expect such a question. We are meeting after years, aren't we?" he asked.

"Put the gun aside" I said and walked past him.

True fact, it scared the shit out of me.

I took a chair and sat.
He pulled out his handgun and handed it to me.
"Keep it" I said in a bold voice.

He hid it under his coat.

Then he a took a chair and brought it closer to mine.

"Okay so, I am here to meet you." he said.

"Me? It has been 11 years and then suddenly one day you recall 'Oh yes! I once had a girlfriend. Whom I abandoned. Let me go and check out how is she doing?' Is it?" I joked.

"And I thought that after seeing me after so many years, you would leap for a hug or something." he said.

I looked away.

"So how are you doing anyway?" he asked.

"Better, without you" I said.

"Becky, let's go out for lunch. I know we can sort things out." he said.

"Dude, I am married. I have children. There is no sorting things out and no way I am going on lunch with you." I said.

"We also once had a child, right?" he said.

"Derek, don't you try to bring that topic again or I swear to God, I will ..." I screamed.

"All right. All right. Don't be mad. It is just a lunch." he said.

"I am not supposed to meet you and here I am sitting with you. Now if you ask me to go out with you then I am sorry, I will disappoint you" I said trying to calm myself.

"You can think on that. As long as I am in NY, you will always have my time" he smiled and said.

Oh! he looked even more handsome now. I mean cute as well as sexy.

I knew that what I was doing was wrong but it felt so right.

I mean he was my ex after all.

I had to get away, now. Before Mike comes home.

I got up and he pulled my hand.

"Nice meeting you Derek. I will think." I said.
He also got up and shook my hand. Then he brought it to his lips and pecked a kiss on it.

I smiled.

For heaven's sake, why did I smile?

"Good Bye" I said.

"Bye?" he asked.

I shook my head.

Then in a matter of seconds, he trapped me between him and the closest wall.

"Do you think that I would leave without a kiss good bye" he whispered into my ears.

His chest was pressed against mine.

"Derek, I am married. This is wrong" I managed to say.

"Doesn't feel so" he said before crashing his lips against mine.

He devoured my mouth. For a moment, I let him do what he did the best, and then, resisted.

I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him away but he was too strong.

After a minute he let go off me.

"This will be our little secret" he smiled and pecked my cheek.
Well I didn't know what to do?

To slap him for kissing me?

Or to smile because it was a true fact that I enjoyed the kiss?

I opted for the third option: Act normal.

"It should be so. And next time..."

Before me he said "So you are planning to meet me next time, I see."

I smiled and said "Get out now" pushing him a bit.

"Going" he said and left the room.

I stood there for a moment and tried to recollect what has just happened.

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