Lot of LOVE

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Becky's POV.

I couldn't believe that she was asking me how did I meet her father.

What was making her so mature?

"Mommy how did you meet daddy?" she asked again.

"We were in the same college" I answered.

"What is a col-le-ge" she asked.

"Bigger school" I answered.

"So how did you marry him?" she asked.

"It was a wedding. Like you went to that wedding once... where the bride was wearing a big white gown." I tried to make her remember.

"No... I mean how did you love each other?" she asked.

Now the water was rising above my head.

"Why are you asking all this Mini?" I said giving her an angry look.

"Sally said that her parents met at a shop, changed bags and that is how they fell in love. I promised her to tell how my parents met." she said in her cute baby accent.

"Oh dear. Why don't you go and ask daddy? And also tell him to come down for supper." I said getting back to normal.

"Yes" she slipped out of her chair and ran out of the dining.

Anna was already gone. She never stayed after Mike returned home.

Because both of us were enough to look after kids.

I turned my attention to Ben who was chewing his t shirt's zipper.

I pulled it out and played with him and waited for Mike and Mini to come down.

Micheal's POV.

I was sucked up in my laptop when I heard Mini calling.

I had to type a very important mail to Mr William. It was a very big deal.

"Dhaddyy where are you?" she called.

"Here sweetie" I said from my study.

She came in running and smiled on seeing me.

She sat on my lap and said "There is something, I want to ask"

"Yes baby." I said, shutting down the laptop.

"How did you and mom fell in love?" she asked.

"Oh...that" I said thinking how to answer that question "Did you ask mommy?"

"Yeah she told me to ask you and also call you for the supper." she said.
Becky always traps me in these kind of things. And then I have to frame false stories.

"Ohh! supper? Daddy is very hungry sweetie. How about I tell you in a bed time story?" I said.

"Bed time story. Yess...." she jumped off my lap and I got up.

I picked her up and went downstairs.

As we entered the dining, I saw Becky was playing with Ben.

We took our respective seats and started eating.

"Mini asked me how did we fell in love" I said smiling, looking for her reaction.

She blushed and said "Hmm... she asked me too."

I smiled again and said "I promised to tell her in a bed time story."

"You did?" she asked enlarging her pupils.

"Yep. I did. You thought you could trap me in this and get away with it." I said looking at Mini who was playing with a fork.

"I guess we have to frame a story then" she whispered.

"I have already done that, wifey." I said bowing my head.

"Good, anyways I wasn't going to do that" she said.

Then we had a quiet supper. Ben cried once but Becky looked after it.

Later in the evening, around 8:30 Becky put Ben to sleep and Mini was playing.

So now there were only Becky and me.

We were in our bedroom.

I was typing mails and she was in the wardrobe trying to find something.

"Becky come here" I called her.

She emerged out of our walk-in wardrobe and sat near me on the bed.

"I have sent mails to all my colleagues and they will be sending girls whom you will be interviewing. " I said looking at her expressions.

"Oh yes! When?" she asked.

"Tomorrow, 11 onwards." I said.

"Okkie Dokkie" she said and got up.

I held her wrist and pulled her closer.

"What are you thinking, Mrs Smith?" I asked and she gave me a confused expression.

"What am I thinking? Nothing" she sat on my lap and frowned.

"Don't lie. I know you are thinking of something. You frowned and I know you better than anyone else." I repeated.

"Well I have been thinking how will your next secretary look like and that how will I stop you from getting attracted to someone else with whom you will be spending half of your day." she said.

"Becky, you know me, right? Are you doubting me?" I asked kissing her neck.

"I am not doubting, I just don't trust my feelings." she said closing her eyes.

"Look at me" I said.

She opened those big hazel eyes.

"I love you" I said staring right into them.

The most famous sentence that would bring any woman back to normal.

"I love you too" she repeated and placed her lips on mine.

We kissed for some time and then parted.

She smiled and went back to the wardrobe business and I returned to my mail.

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