Who's up for truth or dare?

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Things had been going great at the edge. Viggo and Ryker were gone, no more pressure, just pure relaxation. The only thing that would be good though, was if they actually had something to do because now the gang, plus Heather and Dagur was just bored out of their minds. Well, when I say everyone, I mean everyone minus Hiccup. He had recently had this idea of travelling and discovering new islands and dragons and keeping track of where he'd been. So he was basically noting down the entire world onto a map meaning that he wasn't at the edge half the time but right now, he wasn't due back until this evening. 

Meanwhile, everyone stayed in the clubhouse for a long time with nothing to do, before the twins decided to lighten the mood.

"Hey guys, who's up for truth or dare?" Tuffnut said breaking the silence. the others looked at each other and shrugged sitting in a circle.

"alright Ruffnut, truth or dare?" Astrid said. Ruff didn't even give a second thought before she said truth.

"What was the most girly thing you've ever done in your life?" Everyone turned to a wide eyed Ruffnut. No one had ever found out about her girly side, not even her brother.

"can I change?" she asked innocently and rather quietly for her

"No?" she sighed

I was  five. I was left at home for a bit alone when I head upstairs to the attic towards the attic. I kept it hidden because no one knew about it and I had-" she trailed off slightly blushing. The gang continued to stare at her in eager

"What did you have that trunk Ruffnut?" Heather asked teasingly. she looked to the floor before mumbling something that no none could make out.

"What was that?" Dagur asked

"I HAD A DRESS OK AND I USED TO PLAY DRESS UP IN THE ATTIC WHEN NO ONE WAS LOOKING!!!!!!!!" Ruff yelled before shutting herself up, realising what she had said. Everyone stared at her as if she had a grown a second head before everyone burst out in fits of hysterical laughter, especially Tuffnut who was lying on the ground purple in the face with tears down his face. Ruff took interest in the floor while everyone calmed down.

"Guess that explains why you kept disappearing and the noise from the attic." Tuff said still laughing

"Hey at least I don't hide under the covers every time the lights went out when we were 4!"

"I'll have you know that things happen at night," tuff said defensively and it was then the twins started the argue again.

" Hey empty heads, I dare you to go one day without trying to rip each other's heads off," Snotlout mumbled 

" sorry Snotlout but were the twins, we always fight," they said completely missing the sarcasm 

" erm , ruff, your turn,"

" Oh right, erm, Heather truth or dare?" Heather thought for a moment before going for truth.

" is it true that before you left to search for your father with Dagur, you kissed Fishlegs?" Heather didn't know what to say. There were only two people who knew and that was Hiccup, Astrid and Dagur. Eventually she nodded. Ruff's face lit up 

" i knew it, Ruffnut wins the Thorston challenge, now pay up!!!!!!" Fishlegs and Heather couldn't believe it. They had a bet on them! Heather looked down to the floor while Fishlegs' face turned into an overgrown tomato. Astrid and Dagur were relishing the moment before Snotlout the stupid came in.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, let me get this straight. Heather chose fishface, over this?! he exclaimed gesturing to himself, "HOW?!" Everyone rolled their eyes and face palmed. This was going to be one long truth or dare.

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