Chickens and Axes

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While the gang were back the edge doing gods knows what, Hiccup was riding home from some very, very distant islands. He had a hunch that the gang would be playing truth or dare. they were practically addicted to that game. While riding home, Hiccup had plenty of time to think of good dares for everyone, Snotlout in particular. He told Toothless what was on his mind and Toothless near fell out of the sky in laughter. I couldn't blame him, it was pretty funny and it was something I had to go to berk. We neared the edge, landed and went to the clubhouse where the gang were lying on the floor in laughter. 'Truth or dare' I thought  to myself.

"Hiccup, I didn't think you'd be back by now?" Astrid said as she threw her arms round my neck. I laughed and hugged her back.

"Well, you know me, always full of surprises, now if you don't mind me asking, what happened here?"
"Well, the twins were having one on their arguments and in that, they admitted some really hilarious stuff that the two of them did."

"Apparently, ruff used to play dress up and tuff used to be afraid, of the dark," Fishlegs added on, trying to calm himself down. Hiccup didn't need anymore explaining. From what he knew about the twins is that they always have their ways of insulting each other and providing entertainment for others. 

"alright then, tuff truth or dare?" Heather asked

"Dare, you guys know me,"

"I dare you to eat some chicken," All the colour drained out of tuff's face while the others tried to hold back their smiles and that was when tuff exploded.

"I WILL NOT EAT CHICKEN, SHE  IS MY MOST TRUSTED ANIMAL AND I WONT DO ANTHING OF THAT SORT, NEVER-" tuff was cut of by his little rant when Heather stuffed a handful of chicken into his face and since heather shut his mouth, preventing him from spitting it out, he had to swallow it. He was silent for a moment but then,

"I JUST ATE CHICKEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" he screamed so loud that it may as well shake the floor making them all jump. He started running round the clubhouse like a headless chicken before Ruffnut got up and punched him in the face, silencing him.

"Thanks, I guess I needed that," Tuff said rubbing the spot where ruff just punched him.

"Any time, bro, any time,"

"And don't think that this is over Heather," Tuff added on glaring at Heather, which just made her laugh.

"Alright, Dagur, truth or dare 

"Bring it on Tuff, dare," Dagur said, laughing manically. Tuff turned to Astrid with an evil smirk on his face. He then went to Dagur and whispered something in his ear and left Dagur with confusion written all over his face.

"Why would I do that, it's not going to do anything?"

"Oh trust me, it is," Tuff said with his smirk still stuck on his face. Dagur shrugged his shoulders, reached for Astrid's axe and threw it over the cliff

"DAGUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dagur turned to find himself being shot with a bunch of Stormfly's spines and chased around the room with Astrid on his tail. 'Note to self' Dagur thought to himself, 'never touch that girl's axe again,'

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