Break Dance and Lending Inventions

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It was true that Hiccup mounted Toothless and flew away from Berk and headed for the Edge. He knew well that if he stayed, he would be harassed by his father and a millennia-long lecture. He would rather face another Red Death than go through Chief training-wait...scratch that.

"Well, well , well. Fancy seeing you here," Snotlout said, Hookfang landing outside the clubhouse. The other riders the landed after him and dismounted their dragons, who then made their way to the stables for some food.

"Wait, did you actually know he would be here, or did you just follow him," Astrid deadpanned.

"Hey, I may be a muttonhead, but at least I know that when Stoick brings up the whole Chiefing business, Hiccup will try to get as far away from the conversation as possible," Snotlout answered.

"I wonder why," Hiccup mumbled.

"Yeah, why?" Fishlegs asked, who had heard what Hiccup had just said, "I would be honoured to have such a role,"

"No offence Fishlegs, but you clearly don't know anything about the training if you honestly think that," Hiccup responded.

"Yeah, you get sent away to a random island to practise the skills of leadership and if you don't, you spend your entire time tied to the rules," Snotlout added on.

"Whoa, there's no way I'm going through all that just to lead an island," Gustav said, "Why is it even necessary?"

"Well, you know what they say," Tuff said, "learn from the past, live in the present and change the future,"

"So?" Heather asked, expecting an answer.

"We're thinking so much about the future. Right now, let's just carry on with the game!" Ruff answered.

"Ok...uh...who's turn is it?" Dagur asked.

"I'll go!" Snotlout opted, "Gustav, truth or dare,"


"I dare you to attempt to breakdance," Snotlout said without any hesitation. Gustav just stood there in shock.

"How do you think that's gonna go?" Dagur whispered to the others.

"Wrong, disturbing, an absolute fail," Astrid listed, "what else is there?" Gustav didn't pay attention to the little side comments and took a deep breathe before starting. And when he did, he caught Meatlug's attention and she then turned tail and flew off in fear.


"Guys! Guys! Guys! You gotta come quickly!" Meatlug yelled, flying into the stables, scaring the other dragons.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Calm down!" Sleuther exclaimed.

"I can't! Something's wrong with Gustav," Meatlug said, settling down into the floor, "like, disturbingly wrong!"

"What happened to him?" Fanghook asked, lifting his head up from his pile of fish.

"Oh great, what's the moron gotten himself into this time," Stormfly deadpanned.

"I'm betting he fell of a cliff," Hookfang said.

"And is now hanging on a branch sticking out of the rock," Belch added on.

"Or in a cave in the cliff or something," Barf guessed.

"Nope. None of those. Something worse," Meatlug said.

"Like what?" Windshear asked. As soon as she said that, a loud clutter came from the clubhouse.

"Something tells me that whatever's going on is coming that way," Toothless  said. The dragons then came to the clubhouse where some of them were laughing their heads off, along with their riders, at what they saw while some other were traumatised.

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