Make up and Annoying Family Members

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After some time, the gang saw that Tuff wouldn't be waking up any time soon and Ruff was beginnning to get impatient so he decided that she would take Tuff's turn.

"Ok, Astrid, truth or dare,"


"I dare you to put make up of the person opposite you," Everyone's eyes slowly diverted to a wide eyed Heather.

"Don't worry Heather, I won't put on a lot," Astrid said with an inocent voice as she approached raven haired girl.

"You better not, or you'll be talking to the axe," Heather said.

"Of course not, swear on my axe," Astrid said but what Heather didn't notice was that Astrid had been crossing her fingers the whole time behind her back, which was why there waas also a sniggering gang.

"Ooh, I wanna see how this goes," Gustav said eagerly. Astrid had Heather close her eyes and then he began to apply the make up on. (I'm not gonna go into dtail about the whole make up thing, mainly because I have no idea how to put it on and I'm pretty sure I will never know how to put it on) 

"Ok, you can open our eyes now," Astrid said and Heather opened her eyes.

"It feels a bit heavy," she said sceptically.

"I'm not surprised," Snotlout said.

"Well, maybe you should look at yourself," Astrid, stiffling her laughter as she handed Heather the mirror. When she looked at herself, her jaw dropped to the floor and her eyes widened even more.

"ASTRID HOFFERSON, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!" she screamed and then the entire gang burst out into fits of laughter.

"That's it, I'm getting this down," Hiccup said and he began drawing her expression.

"I hate all of you," she mumbled.

"Now now sis, no need for violence," Dagur said.

"Hypocrite," Hiccup said.

"Ok, that may have applied to some events in life, but only some!" Dagur said.

"That doesn't matter anyway," Heather said, "Hiccup, truth or dare,"

"Answering honestly to a question or dieing?" Hiccup said, "yeah, I'm gonna go with truth,"

"I won't kill you, that's saved for a later date," Heather said, "but since it's truth, who's the most annoying family memeber you can think of?"

"Let me guess, Snotlout," Fishlegs said.

"Actually, it's not Snotlout," Hiccup turned his attention to his cousin. "Remeber," Turns out, the look from Hiccup was all Snotlout needed to find out what he was going on about.

"My god! That guy was so annoying!" Snotlout exclaimed, throwing his head back in exasperation.

"What are you two an about?" Fishlegs asked.

"A distant relative," Hiccup said. "Erico,"

"Ever since he found out what his name meant, he's been going around the place non stop!" Snotlout said, "I actually thought about killing that guy from time to time,"

"You almost did kill him one time," Hiccup deadpanned.

"That was one time!" Snotlout said, "and anyway, he was the one who was trying to kill us!"

"He tried to kill you?" Astrid asked.

"Well in you count trying to set us on fire, drowning us and getting us sent to Gothi every time he visited, yes" Hiccup said.

"Geez, was that guy like a maniac or something?

"Yes!" both Hiccup and Snotlout said. They were interrupted by a groan and they looked to see Tuff slowly gaining consciouness.

"Ugh, what did I miss?" he asked and then his eyes locked with Heather's

"CLOWN! CLOWN! CLOWN! HICCUP! YOU GOT A COWN IN YOUR HOUSE!!!!" Tuff screamed in actual fact, he was afraid  of clowns.

"Anyone who says anything else about the make up," Heather took out her axe." You know the rest."

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