Hiding Chicken and Stealing Prosthetics

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Over time, Dagur got questioned a lot about the whole 'drowning Hiccup' incident and Tuff had just left the group to go feed chicken.

"Ok ruff truth or dare," Hiccup said 

"What do ya think, dare," she said confidently

"I dare you go hide chicken and tell tuff where she is by the end of the day," ruff's eyes widened, filled with excitement.

"Yes, I've actually always wanted to do this," she whispered slyly rubbing her hands and with that, she left, running after her brother.

"Hiccup, I get the feeling that this might kill tuff," Heather said. Snotlout scoffed.

"Might, pulleeaazze,  he won't sleep until he finds her." Snotlout said. He paused for a moment before saying " and I also get the feeling that there's a theme going on here,"

"What theme?" Fishlegs asked.

"One of them being you and Astrid's rivalry and Hiccup trying to kill Tuff with truth and dares," Fishlegs and Astrid looked at each other.

"What rivalry," Astrid asked. The others (minus Fishlegs) looked at each other and laughed. Astrid and Fishlegs shrugged

"Hey tuff!" ruff said


"Before you go into the hut, I wanted to tell you that I think I just saw chicken run into the woods so you might wanna," ruff gestured to the woods. Tuff gasped.

"Chicken is in the woods?! The woods is no place for a chicken!" he exclaimed, his voice getting quieter as he drew nearer to the woods. Ruff laughed quietly.

"Wow, you really have been planning for this," Fishlegs said.

"Well, I think we all know who's gonna be dead by the end of this," Dagur said. Ruff ran for their hut and grabbed on chicken feed. Chicken was on Tuff's bed, pecking the wood, just as ruff suspected.

"Hey there chicken," chicken looked up at her. Ruff grabbed a handful of chicken feed, catching the bird's attention. She started dropping the chicken feed in a trail, making chicken follow her. Ruff passed the clubhouse, where the rest of the gang were.

"Ruff, what are you doing?" Astrid asked

"Oh, you'll find out," she smirked and walked away. Ruff had finally reached the stables. 

"Alright chicken, lets see how long it takes tuff to find you," she dumped the bag of chicken feed and when chicken was standing still and eating, she dropped a crate on her, making sure there was enough ventilation. Ruff smiled, proud of her work and casually walk back to the clubhouse where she found Tuff in a complete wreck, searching frantically all over the place.

"Chicken. Chicken?! CHICKEN!!!WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" he yelled. 

"SHUT UP TUFFNUT!!!!" Snotlout yelled over his loud voice. Tuff looked at Snotlout as if he had just committed a crime.


"Tuff, I'm sure she's around the edge, just wandering around, nothing's going to happen to her," Heather said. Tuff slumped down onto a stool.

"Fine, carry on the game," he mumbled.

"Ok, Heather, truth or dare?"

"I'll go with dare," Ruff's eyes wandered around the room before briefly landing on Hiccup prosthetic and she then got an idea.

"I dare you to hypnotise Gobber, and get him to bring you all his prosthetic arms, including the one he's already wearing," 

"Ok, I bet  I inspired that idea," Hiccup mumbled. Looks like they were of to Berk.

time skip, they've reached berk

Since this was Heather's dare, she and ruff decided that the two of them should approach Gobber while the others stayed hidden. Heather and Ruff walked up to the forge to find Gobber with his backs to them whistling his favourite song.

"Hey Gobber," Heather said taking Gobber by surprise.

"Heather, Ruffnut. Don't sneak up on me like that,"

"Sorry about that," Ruff said, "anyway, we have to do something that involves you so could you help us," 

"Ok," Heather and ruff looked at each other. Heather pulled out a pendant on a chain and started waving it front of the blacksmith's face.

"Oh, that's a nice pennnnndddaaaaa" Gobber trailed of when he became fixated onto the swaying movement of the pendant.

"Ya think he's in the trance," Heather asked. Ruff smirked and took out a large sack.

"Definitely," Heather was surprised. Looks like he was really easy to hypnotise

"Ok, " she turned to Gobber, "Gobber, when I snap my fingers you will bring me all your arms prosthetics, including the one your wearing," Like a robot, he walked over to the back of the forge where all his prosthetics were. Heather and Ruff muffled their laughter when they saw him come back his arms full with a lot of prosthetic arms. Ruff held out the sack and Gobber dumped then in

"Thank you," Ruff said and she and Heather ran of to where the others were.

"Did it work?" Fishlegs asked. Ruff opened the sack and the gang's faces filled with victory.

"I can just imagine his reaction," Hiccup said.

"Who cares, lets get outta here," Snotlout said mounting Hookfang and taking of, the other riders behind him.

"Wait, should I snap him out of the trance?" Heather asked. The riders looked at each other.

"Nah, leave him be,"  Dagur said. Everyone burst out into fits of laughter including the dragons, making them nearly crash out of the sky. 

Credits to my friend for the idea 

and I've literarily just started a new book called Watching their lives-HTTYD, so if ya want, you can go check it out.


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