Dragon in Command and Geek-Mode Deactivated

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Once the riders got back from Berk, they headed for the clubhouse for lunch and, obviously, the game continued.

"Ok Snotlout, truth or dare," Heather said.

"I'll take anything so bring it on Heather, dare," Snotlout said oblivious to the fact that Heather was smirking.

"I dare you to let Hookfang do whatever he wants to do to you," 

"Ok fi-WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Snotlout exclaimed.

"Yep, definitely trying to kill each other in this game," Tuff said. While Snotlout was trying to pointlessly get Heather to change his mind. The dragons outside the clubhouse were eavesdropping and one in particular got every excited.

"OH MY GOD! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!" Hookfang yelled making the other dragons cringe back to the sound.

"CALM DOWN HOOKFANG!" Toothless shouted, trying to cover his ears with his paws.

"Yes, please do, before our ears explode," Shattermaster said.


"Well to be fair, if someone was allowed to do whatever they wanted to do to someone who they like to maim, then it's pure logic that they'd get excited," Belch said.

"Yep, otherwise, they'll fall into an abyss of despair for their dreams would've been crushed," Barf said dramatically, " destroyed, annihilated, obliterated-" Windshear covered heir mouths with her wing

"What are you, a dictionary" Barf and Belch looked at each other and nodded. Stormfly and Sleuther rolled their eyes. 

"Who cares, if I get to do whatever I want to Snotlout then I'm gonna make dream reality," Hookfang said, running down the middle between the Nadder and Zippleback with the other dragons in tow.

"Heather please, change the dare. You have no idea what that dragon will do to me!!!!" Snotlout yelled but Heather closed her eyes and held her chin up high.

"No can do Snotlout," she said, "besides, what ever happed to 'I'll take anything, bring it on', " Before Snotlout could say another word, he felt something tug on the back of his shirt. He turned around nervously to see a smug looking Hookfang.

"Oh please no," he said in a quiet voice which, of course, was ignored when Hookfang threw Snotlout up in the air repeatedly.

"HOOKFANG STOP!!!!" Snotlout yelled making the other riders laugh.

"What on gods green earth makes you think that he'll listen to you," Astrid said.

"Quick Hiccup, take this down," Ruff said quickly, "I need to remember this moment,"

"Way ahead of ya," Hiccup said, taking out his notebook and drawing the scene. After about 10 minutes of endless Snotlout abuse, Hookfang finally decided to have mercy and stop...by letting Snotlout fall to the ground.

"Hookfang," Snotlout groaned but all Hookfang really did was laugh.

"Wow, this should happen more often," Tuff said.

"TUFFNUT!!!!!" the twins laughed. Snotlout fumed at the two and his dragon.

"Anyway," Snotlout said through gritted teeth, "Fishface truth or dare,"

"Dare," Snotlout's anger turned into his usual smugness.

"I dare you to not say or do anything geeky for the rest of the day, that includes looking at your cards, reading the Book of Dragon,"

"I think you've dodged a bullet H," Tuff said.

"No no no. If he had really dodged a bullet, he would've be dared to stop being reckless for the week by me," Astrid said.

"Come on Astrid, when have I ever been reckless," Hiccup said. Everyone's heads turned to him with the did-you-really-just-say-that look.

"Ok," Tuff said, "I think it's clear that we need to get out the flashbacks,"

"Yeah, so, if he ever does something that isn't reckless, let me know," Dagur said.

"You won't be knowing anything because that will never happen!" Snotlout said and everyone laughed.

"Ok, maybe I can be a little reckless-" Hiccup started.

"A LITTLE?!?!?!" the gang yelled.

"Alright, I am reckless. But what makes you think I wouldn't be,"

"We don't think that, which what makes you, you," Astrid said wrapping her arms round his shoulders.

Now I feel guilty. I haven't updated in like a week. May not be long for so of u but it's long for me. I swear to god SCHOOL WILL BE THE END OF ME!!!!!!!!

so see ya at my funeral

JK :) but seriously. this chap was supposed to be published AGES ago but nnnoooooooooo, it had to wait until after school but, here it is now so....................yeah.


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