Therapists and Sugar Rushes

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"Ok, forget the kitchen. Snotlout, truth or dare," Astrid started.


"Have you ever felt like someone here needs a therapist?" Snotlout, like the rest of the gang, didn't really know what to think of that question.

"Is that a joke or...?"

"You make it sound like you were the one needing it," Astrid said.

"What?! No, no, no and no! I don't need a therapist!" Snotlout exclaimed, "but then again. Doesn't anyone. The twins need one for their obsession for making up family members, Fishlegs needs one for his geeking out, Hiccup needs one for his stress levels - but that just happened when we're in battle. You need one for your anger issues, Heather needs on for her...uh..." Snotlout trailed off, looking at Heather for he couldn't think of anything wrong with her.

"And me?" she asked, folding her arms over her chest in a challenging manner.

"Heather needs one for her overall perfection,"

"Does that even make sense," Hiccup asked and everyone shrugged.

"Quiet, Haddock! I'm in the zone!" Snotlout ordered, "and Dagur definitely needs one for him recklessness, insanity, crazy-levels and..." Snotlout stopped speaking and started to instead count the reasons on his fingers and it actually reached up seven different reasons. "Ok, I think Dagur is the one who needs therapy here,"

"Ok, I admit that I'm sometimes of my rocker, but that's the exciting part about life!" Dagur said but almost instantly, the twins draped their arms over Dagur's shoulders.

"Not to worry Oh chiefly one," Tuff said in a professional tone, "we will help you through your dangerous state of mind,"

"As experts within this field, we volunteer to be your personal therapists," Ruff finished off. Dagur was starting to get confused.

"Wha-" but he cut off when the two pushed him to a stool and sat down themselves, facing him.

"Bets on the twins getting killed by Dagur?" Fishlegs asked,

"Who wouldn't," Gustav said.

"I'm betting Berk's gold on it," Snotlout said.

"Then Stoick will kill you," Hiccup deadpanned.

"Alright, Dagur. I'm just going to inform you that you have nothing to worry about, all of our methods are supported by Gothi herself," Tuff started.

"But first, we need you to tell us if there's anything bothering you at all," Ruff continued.

"The only thing that's bothering me is why on God's green earth are you giving me a therapy session,"

"Trust us, Dagur. This is all for your benefit," Tuff said.

"I think you should be more worried about your lives than his state of mind," Astrid commented.

"Hey, we know what we're doing," Ruff said but as soon as she said that, Dagur stood up and shoved the two out of his way.

"And that would be a couple of minutes of my life wasted," Dagur grumbled, walking away from Ruff and Tuff.

"Aside from the therapy session," Snotlout started, "Tuffnut, truth or dare,"

"Dare," Tuff responded after picking himself off the floor.

"I dare you to eat this," Snotlout held out a small bad and it was clear that something was inside it. Tuff was sceptic about what Snotlout was about to feed him but he hesitantly reached out to grab it anyway. Tuff dipped his finger into the bag and took it out to find his finger littered with small white crystal like things. Tuff put hat finger in his mouth to find out that it wasn't that bad.

"Hmm, this stuff is not half bad," he said and he snatched the bag out of Snotlout's hand and downed the contents.

"What was in that bag?" Fishlegs asked.

"That would be pure sugar," Snotlout answered and Ruff started to freak out.

"What?! Pure sugar!!!" she exclaimed. Snotlout nodded.

"Are you insane?! Do you know what happens to Tuffnut when he eats pure sugar?!"

"Yeah, I just want to see it," Snotlout simply said.

"What's wrong with you?!" Ruff yelled but she soon shut up when she saw Tuff's eye twitch.

"Uh...what do we do now?" Heather asked.

"Take cover!!!" Ruff shouted as she hid under the table. The gang looks at each other completely confused but they soon started to get the picture when Tuff started to bounce up and down.

"I think I'm on a sugar rush," he said quietly before he started running around all over the place crashing into things that made the place look like a war zone. The group dispersed to prevent getting knocked over by the hyperactive twin and after that, Tuff sprinted outside and a similar thing happened at the stables.

"Hey Belch, is your rider alright?" Hookfang asked.

"What do you think," Windshear deadpanned, "of course he's not,"

"What even happened to him?" Stormfly asked.

"I think he's on a sugar rush," Toothless said before he and the other dragons cringed back at the clattering sound of Tuffnut banging into the door of a cage.

"So, how do we snap him out of it?" Meatlug asked.

"I think I know how," Sleuther said and with that, he managed to wrap one of his three tails around Tuff's leg and hauled him off the ground and threw him outside, far away from the Edge.

"Bets on Berk's gold that this island will look like it's been hit by a hurricane by the end of this," Hookfang opted.

"Yeah, then Stoick will actually kill you and this time, nothing will stop him," Toothless deadpanned.

Finally! An update!
And 99 followers plus +20k reads on this book?!?!?!😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Ok, now I can publish


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