Going from Top to Bottom and a Night Fury Nightmare

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"Ok Fishface, truth or dare," Fishlegs hesitated for a bit. Snotlout may be stupid but he can think of good truth or dare if he wanted to.

"Dare," Snotlout got hyper.

"I dare you to take the twins route from the top of the edge to the bottom," Fishlegs paled. he wasn't one for flying through the sky without his dragon, especially at night.

"Alright," he said annoyed. Everyone made their way to the zipline where Fishlegs turned into a mild gibbering wreck.

"Come on fishface, just go already, this isn't even a dare, it's fun," Snotlout complained.

"Just one second, I'm preparing mys-" Fishlegs was then pushed of the cliff by an impatient Snotlout.

"Oops," He said innocently and Heather whacked him upside the head nearly making him fall over the edge. Fishleg's screams drove Night Terrors away and could be heard from the bottom and when he did reach the bottom he had to do a quick inspection to make sure he was alive.

"Phew, I'm ok," he sighed in peace...until Meatlug came charging towards him knocking him of his feet.

"I'm ok girl, you can take me up now,"  Fishlegs and Meatlug flew up to the top of the edge to find Snotlout with a mild expression in his face.

"Alright, you passed," Fishlegs rolled his eyes.

"Tuffnut truth or dare,"

"Dare duh," Fishlegs thought for a moment before turning to Hiccup.

"Hey Hiccup, can I borrow Toothless for this dare?"

"That depends on what the dare is,"

"Don't worry, I'm just going to dare Tuffnut to ride Toothless because apparently he knows all the connections," 

"Is that so,"

"Yep," Tuffnut butted in," I don't know how to describe the movement but I do know them so...please Hiccup,"

"But from what I've seen, you've only ridden Toothless once," Astrid stated.


now Tuff was literally begging on his knees. Everyone was so distracted by Tuffnut's drama that no one noticed Toothless' whines of protest.

"NO DON'T IT HICCUP THIS ISN'T A DARE THIS IS DRAGON ABUSE, PLEASE, I PROMISE I WON'T LICK YOU TO THE GROUND EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Of course, these protests were ignored when Hiccup agreed.


"I hate everybody," Toothless said though it came out a grumble.

"Don't worry Toothless," Hiccup whispered as he crouched next to him," Tuffnut actually knows all the connections and since he isn't an experienced rider on you, you're the one who has control,"

Toothless sat up instantly realizing that was his rider said was true so he grumbled in agreement.

"Alright, Mr Night fury, I am now your master," Tuff said dramatically," therefore, you shall listen to me ok," and he got on toothless' back. Toothless had the annoyed expression again and took of making sure to keep in view of the others. and it started out as a mild glide.

"Wow, this doesn't seem as hard as I thought, can't imagine how Astrid was so terrified when she first rode you," but that all came crashing down on him when Toothless used the element of surprise...

without warning, he shot up into the sky at blazing speed causing tuff to fall onto his back and by the time he stopped tuff regain his senses and grabbed the handle until his knuckles went white.

"Ok, maybe we should-" tuff started but Toothless cut him of spiralling downwards crazily at the speed he went up at while a Tuffnut screaming for his life before hitting the water making sure that tuff got as most of the water muffling his scream. 

on the edge of the cliff the rest where watching, waiting to see what would happen next.

"Whoa, is Toothless taking Tuffnut for a ride or trying to fling him of his back," Dagur asked

"I think he's trying to do both," Hiccup said.

"Cool, I wonder if he'll get barbequed," Ruff said enthusiastically, " Hiccup, when did he learn to fly this crazily, cause I'm loving it,"

"Oh, I don't know, lets just say, he has experience," he said glancing at Astrid who then punched him in the shoulder. Toothless then sent tuff into some sea stacks, evading them with sharp turns that wrenched tuff from side to side violently.  It was a few minutes later Toothless came back flying quite fast for a landing until he cam to an abrupt stop digging his claws into the ground and flinging Tuffnut of his back in the process and into the bushes.

"Hope you learnt your lesson, YA PEASANT!"

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