Last Thing to Do, Things to Un-see and 10K READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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After the gang's many attempts to wake Gustav up from his traumatic trance, he did eventually wake up and when he did, he looked down at Chicken and practically threw her as far away from him as possible.

"CHICKEN!!!!" Tuff screamed before turning his attention to Gustav, "you're a monster!" Gustav simply shrugged.

"That Chicken's your's pal, therefore, she's your responsibility. You give her to me, what else did you expect," and with that, Tuff sped of to the other end of the cove screaming.

"HOLD ON CHICKEN!!!DADDY'S COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

"What an idiot," Snotlout deadpanned.

"Now that's he's out of the picture, Dagur, truth or dare," Gustav said.

"I'm gonna go with truth,"

"If the end of the world was coming tomorrow what would you do, and it can be illegal,"

"Ok, that's a hard one,"

"Well, we all know it's something deranged," Hiccup said.

"Would that include something that would result him getting electrocuted in a volcano?" Ruff asked.

"That sounds like something Hiccup would do," Stormfly said.

"Oh, believe me, it's happened," Toothless said, slumping onto the ground in exasperation, "ugh, took me forever to wake him up, and then two hours later, he passed out again,"

"Or something that would make him lose his vital senses?" Snotlout asked

"Or searching for something dangerous to do in general?" Fishlegs said.

"Definitely something deranged/deadly," Dagur said, "I don't know if I'll be able to find something that could get me electrocuted in a volcano,"

"You can get Hiccup to help you," Toothless commented.

"Maybe if I got another chance, I would have another go at the dragon hunters. Man I hate those guys,"

"Well, unlike you, I'd prefer to live the entire time I have left than go kill myself as soon as the sun's up," Astrid said.

"And you still have me around you," Heather said, "so, that likely hood you getting in a life-threatening situation on your own is very low," Dagur laughed nervously.

"Heh heh. Err, thanks sis," he said, "ok, so now that I'm talking to you, Heather, truth or dare?"


"If there was one thing you could un-see that's happened in your life, what would it be?" Heather thought for a moment.

"Well, there is one thing that I wish to un-see. Before I met Alvin I travelled around a lot after I got sent adrift," she said, "so, I've met different people and different tribes who took me in. Now, on one of those occasions, I washed up on the shores of a tribe far up in the north. I think the chief was someone named, Norbert or something?"

"Wait, you mean Norbert the Nutjob?" Hiccup asked (I know Norbert is from the books, but if I'm wrong, please correct me. I lost the 4th book (WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I'm in America).

"That's the one, Norbert the Nutjob," Heather said.

"I feel sorry for you, having to run into the guy,"

"This is probably the stupidest question of all time, but how was he?" Astrid asked.

"He was a nutjob," Heather said, "that's pretty much sums him up. He runs his tribe in the most weird way that actually makes you wonder how he himself is surviving, he's incredibly paranoid,"

"Sleep-deprived Fishlegs paranoid or just paranoid?" Tuff asked who had finally found Chicken and now she was sitting comfortably in his arms.

"More than that, when he was introduced to me, he thought I was a goddess trapped in a human  body. I only survived because one the day I was supposed to be sacrificed, it was raining and they needed a fire,"

"Geez, that guy clearly doesn't have brains," Snotlout says.

"Look who's talking," Hookfang said.

"Well, from the way Norbert sounds, it does seem like Snotlout has more brains that he does," Shattermaster said.

"Yeah, I was tied to a pole over a huge pit with human skulls at the bottom and dry blood on the walls. And I was nine!"

"Question?" Snotlout asked, "it's not another truth or anything, but a question out of curiosity. What do you get yourself into?" 

"Don't blame me. I was a child, but to be honest, now that I look back, I have no idea," Heather said

Now, I know I don't do many A\Ns but now: WE'RE AT 10K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes! We made it! And it's only 30 chapters (31 chapters if you include this one but it's now at 10.3K), and my goal is to get up to 200 chapters. So if it goes perfectly (which it probably won't so don't guarantee anything) you could have 400 truth or dares coming your way.

But anyway, thanks for all your support, including the vote and comments as well. Seriously. You should've seen me when I found out about the 10k reads. XD. Well, C U next time.


P.S. I'll put on a video later.

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