Proposals and Terrible Gifts

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"Ok Snotlout, truth or dare," Gustav said with a mischievous smile on his face. For two reasons but his smile was wiped off his face when Ruff looked at him with an expectant eyebrow. "What?" Now Ruff was glaring at him. "Fine," he groaned, "bark. bark. Snot. bark. Lout. Bark. Truth. Or. Bark. Dare. Bark. Bark," 

"Lets be real Gustav, what can you possibly take away from me. You've already been stripped from you dignity, so I choose dare," Gustav mischievous smile returned.

"I dare you to propose to the person on your left," Snotlout and Ruff's eyes widened and looked at each other.

"I will break you," Ruff growled at Gustav, who was just laughing his head of on the floor.

"Wait, what happened?!" Tuff exclaimed.

"Did you not listen, Snotlout had to propose to Ruffnut," Dagur said.

"WHAT! I haven't had time to plan the Union!" Tuff exclaimed and he  took out a some sort of book with dates in it. Like a calendar. "Ok, lets see, please say I have a date. Please say I have a date," he mumbled over and over again. Tuff was so busy in his calendar, Gustav was busy laughing on the floor and the others were staring at Tuff thinking what the heck had go into him that they didn't realise that Snotlout had finished the dare and had proposed to Ruff.

"What the heck has gotten into him?" Fishlegs asked.

"Beats me," Dagur deadpanned.

"Ok..........AH! Yes! If I can move Hiccup and Astrid's union forward, then I squeeze in Ruff and Snotlout's union I'm thinking a month later. And I'll be able to use the layout of that union for their union-"

"Tuffnut, you can't perform Viking Unions, we talked about this," Hiccup deadpanned.

"Wait, one second." Tuff said and dived back into his planner.

"Does he even remember what happened when he took his courses?" Astrid said.

"People fell of cliffs, got burnt, nearly drowned, got trampled on, some nearly suffocated. What else do you wanna hear," Tuff said, not looking up, " and besides, I've seen worse,"

"You mean you've caused worse," Heather said.

"Seen, caused, what's the difference,"

"Ok Tuff, you can shut up now," Snotlout said, "I've done the dare,"

"How can we know for sure," Gustav asked sceptically. Snotlout pointed to a large and painful looking bruise just above his right elbow.

"Is that enough proof for ya?!"

"Ok, ok," Gustav said, his arms up in surrender and the he caught Ruff glare again but instead of barking, he settled into another laughing fit.

"Anyway, Fishface, truth or dare," Snotlout asked.


"What was the most terrible gift you've ever gotten," Fishlegs thought for a moment. He had received a fair amount of gifts in his life but the worst one...he had a memory.

"I think it had got to be when I was five. My aunt was coming over and I think you all know who I'm talking about,"

"Is she..." Hiccup asked and Fishlegs nodded. "Yep, definitely not gonna sleep anytime soon,"

"As if we're any different," Astrid said.

"So anyway, she was coming over and as a gift, she got me a stress ball,"

"That's not bad," Heather said.

"It wasn't...until it exploded. The outer popped and the inside was filled with slime to make it feel like a stress ball. And because that slime was so warm, it was so sticky, it took forever to get it off. If you go inside, you'll still see marks from where the slime was,"

"How sticky was it, exactly," Snotlout asked.

"You really want to know," Snotlout nodded.

"Alright, it was a little something like-" Fishlegs stepped aside to allow the twins to throws two buckets worth of slime right towards Snotlout.

"Ok, this is sticky," Snotlout groaned.

"This will probably be the one time I'm gonna thank you," Fishlegs said.

"With pleasure Fishy," Ruff said.

"Anytime you want to slime Sir Snots-a-lot, we're right here," Tuff added on.

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