Old Meeting and Maybe...Another Ship?

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Gustav's eyes fluttered open, a voice very muffled but became clearer as his vision focused. Gustav's eyes met Snotlout's who what yelling at him to wake.

"GUSTAV! WAKE UP FOR THOR'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!" That shocked Gustav back to his senses.

"Huh! What! Who do I kill!" Gustav struggled to move but soon realized that he was in the clubhouse, taped to the wall with only his head in view.

"Relax Gustar," Tuffnut said, "you're in my clubhouse," Ruff scoffed.

"Since when was this your clubhouse,"

"It is my clubhouse cause I was the one who brought up the idea,"

"Sure," Ruff said, "and I'm not a troublemaker,"

"Would you two shut up!" Snotlout yelled. 

"Calm down Snotlout," Fishlegs said, "I'm surprised you haven't lost your voice yet,"

"Quiet Fishface," Snotlout said, "anyway, like I said a while ago, we're having a long game of truth or dare and you agreed to join,"

"Alright alright, I know you want me to join," Gustav started to move but remembered that he was taped to the wall making the twins snigger.

"But...err...little help here," 

"Toothless," Hiccup said. Toothless rolled his eyes and walked over to the young Viking.

"Wait, what are you-" Toothless blasted some plasma blasts at the tape, traumatising Gustav and leaving the twins with shocked looks on their faces.

"That took us 5 minutes to tape that guy to the wall!" Ruff exclaimed.

"Not cool T. Not cool at all," Tuff said. Toothless rolled his eyes again and walked away, his tail purposefully whacking the two into the wall and Gustav before curling up behind Hiccup. 

"Ok, since it's me, um...Astrid, truth or dare,"

"Truth," Gustav thought for a minute. His gaze wandered everywhere but when set eyes on Toothless, and idea and a mischievous grin spread on his face. Toothless opened one eye to see what was happening and he met Gustav's eyes and he got defensive.

"Why is the kid looking at me like that?"

"Ok, how did you and Toothless first meet?" The entire gang's eyes looked up, apart from Tuffnut who was ransacking the entire place trying to find his chicken. No one actually did know the story of how Astrid and Toothless did actually meet with the exception of Heather because it did cross the path of when Astrid did develop feelings for Hiccup. Apart from that, Hiccup and Toothless looked at each other and stifled their laughter. Astrid sent Hiccup a death glare.

"What?! It wasn't my fault!" Hiccup exclaimed and as if to prove his point Toothless was growing more excited by the minute.

"Who cares about telling! I wanna go again!"

"Calm down Toothless," Hookfang said.

"What's happened to him?" Fishlegs asked, pointing at Toothless.

"He's gone hyper, that's what," Snotlout deadpanned.

"Blah blah blah, whatever," Gustav said, "I wanna here the story,"

"Ok, fine, since you're all that desperate," Astrid said, rolling her eyes, "remember when Hiccup won the right to kill Hookfang," Everyone nodded and Hookfang scowled.

"I completely forgot about that,"

"Well, he was going into the forest so I decided to follow him. I got to the cove before he did so I waited until he got there. He did eventually with a basket on his back, but I ignored that," Hiccup and Toothless looked at each other again. Not only did anyone know how Toothless and Astrid met, but that the two were about to leave forever, " I demanded for answers until I heard something and Toothless started running up to us. After Hiccup 'introduced' us, I was about to run to go tell Stoick,"

"Huh, I wonder what would've happened if you did," Tuff interrupted.

"I wouldn't be with you guys, that's what," Hiccup mumbled, which luckily, went unheard except for Toothless.

"Anyway, I was running through the forest but Toothless grabbed my arm and dropped me on a branch. Hiccup then managed to convince me to get on Toothless," Toothless smirked slyly, "he told me there was nothing for me to be afraid of but what he failed to mention was that the ride was actually an out-of-control hurricane,"

"Don't exaggerate," Hiccup said.

"I'll exaggerate all I want dragon boy," Astrid sassed back, "so, I was holding on for my life as Toothless took me on that crazy flight but soon he calmed down and his crazy flight turned into a calm glide and that's pretty much it," 

"So, basically, your first flight was actually you getting kidnapped," Gustav guessed.

"We did not kidnap anyone," Hiccup said but Astrid raised an eyebrow. "Well, I didn't," Toothless looked at his rider with a shocked look.

"Seriously Hiccup! You're making this my fault!" Toothless exclaimed.

"Really, cause from what I've heard and what I know, you can't make something if it's already made," Windshear said. Barf and Belch looked at each other in confusion.

"Err...?" Sleuther and Shattermaster rolled their eyes and Hookfang face winged

"She means that that it was Toothless' fault in the first place,"  Meatlug said.

"Hey, that ride was the entire reason why Astrid developed feelings for Hiccup in the first place," Toothless said defensively.

"No, no actually," Stormfly said, "Astrid always liked him, just tried to disguise them with hatred, never saw the point of that," Toothless stared blankly at nothing.

"Well I still started it," (inspired by ladysecret's idea. Thx :)) 

"Ok, Dagur, truth or dare,"

"I'm gonna go with truth," Astrid though for a minute.

"Is there any special lady back on Berserker Island," she said with a grin on her face. This caught practically everyone's attention, including the dragon. Dagur that Deranged. Falling for a girl? Definitely not what anyone thought. Dagur laughed.

"No, I'm planning on dying alone thanks, or in battle?" he said.

"And even if he did, I would definitely know about it," Heather said with a disappointed look on her face, "but seriously bro, you need to find someone,"

"Keep trying sis, but you ain't swaying this mind into that drama,"

"Dagur, you are aware that in Heather and spin Hiccup and Astrid's mind about their love life, then you're nothing but a playdate," Fishlegs said.

"And anyway, don't you get into a lot of drama anyway?" Tuff said.

"Eh, he's deranged, hello," Ruff said, "I'm sure he gets into some sort of dramatic situation,"

"I don't actually," Dagur said.

"Don't make me get out the flashbacks," Shattermaster and Sleuther said.  (Credits to Hermione_Hofferson thx :)) 

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