No Over Reactions and Would you Rather

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"Your prosthetics huh," Heather said innocently.

"Yeah, You don't suppose you know where they are?" Gobber asked.

"I swear you've already asked us this," Snotlout. Hiccup looked at the others  and they nodded, Fishlegs urging him to proceed.

"Ok Gobber, truth or dare," Hiccup said.

"What?" Gobber asked, "is that a trick question?"

"Truth or dare. We're playing the game and my dare is to truth or dare you, so, truth or dare,"

"...dare...?" Gobber said uncertainly.

"Ok, I dare you to contain yourself after what we show you," Hiccup said. Gobber was now even more confused.

"What are you-" Gobber started but then Windshear went over to the far end of the cove and took out a box with her mouth. She then brought it over and placed it on the floor in front of Gobber. Gobber looks at it sceptically but when Hiccup gestured for him to open it, he did.

"Wait a minute, that's where I keep all my prosthetics!" Gobber exclaimed. He then opened it quickly only to reveal something jump out at him, throwing him back.

"What the...?" Snotlout asked, "why is there a creepy clown in there?" Everyone then turned to the twins.

"What?" They asked innocently but as soon as they said that, they gave up. "Ok fine, we put the jumping clown in there. But we have the prosthetics," Tuff said and he and Ruff took out a sack and dropped it on the ground. It opened when it made contact with the floor and some of the prosthetics spilled out.

"My prosthetics!" Gobber exclaimed, rushing over to them and grabbing the sack. "How did they even get here?!"

"Let's just say that one of us may or may not have stolen then," Heather explained, "only as a dare though,"

"WHAT?!?!?!" Gobber exclaimed.

"Gobber, remember what I told you," Hiccup said. Gobber looked at him and tried to swallow his rant. He took several deep breathes before finally walking away for the gang.

"Ok. Ok. Ok," Gobber repeated as he was walking away, leaving the gang laughing.


Gobber was walking...well, he was sorta stumbling because he couldn't see due to the sack he was carrying in his arms in front of his face.

"Gobber! There you are!" Stoick called out as Gobber dumped all the prosthetics onto the front table of the forge. "And they are...?"

"Yes, turns out they were stolen," Gobber said, "but at least I found them,"

"Alright, enough about the prosthetics, can we continue the game," Tuff suddenly said, surprising both Stoick and Gobber. They looked up to see Tuffnut hanging upside down from a plank of wood on the ceiling.

"And what are you doing here exactly?" Gobber asked.

"We gave you dare, you have to now ask someone 'truth or dare'?" Tuff said, jumping down from the platform.

"What is he talking about," Stoick asked Gobber.

"You're caught up in our game, Gobber. You have to ask someone else 'truth or dare' and they have to pick truth or dare and you have to give them a question if it's truth or something for them to do if it's a dare," Ruff explained.

"I know what truth or dare is! I hear you guys play it all the time," Gobber deadpanned, "but how am I caught up in this,"

"Hiccup was dared to truth or dare you and since you've just been dared, you have to carry on the game," Ruff said, losing her patience a little.

"So...I just ask someone?" Gobber asked. The twins nodded.

"And if I do, I can be left alone?"

"Well, that depends if you're 'truth or dared' again," Tuff said.

"Ok, so...who should I ask?" both the twins face palmed.

"Just ask Stoick or something," Ruff said.

"Ok...uh...Stoick, truth or dare...?" Gobber asked tentatively.

"Ok, now you have to either pick truth or dare Chief," Tuff said.


"Now you have to ask a question," Tuff said to Gobber. Gobber was obviously completely confused but he knew there was no walking out of this so he went with the flow.

"Ok, so...would you rather, let Bucket take charge of the island for a month, or let Snotlout take charge of the island for a month," Stoick looked at Gobber wide-eyed before looking at the twins wide-eyed and then turning back to Gobber.

"Bucket or Snotlout ruling Berk?" Ruff asked, "that's probably the most trickest decision I have ever heard in my life,"

"Yeah. Both equally clueless on leadership, have no diplomacy skills whatsoever and would tear this island down from the inside out," Tuff said.

"Gobber, you are aware that both would bring the island to its knees if they were ever put in charge," Stoick said, "Snotlout has a long line of adjectives coming his way, obnoxious being the most prominent and Bucket...well...I'm not sure how Berk would do with a leader that only has half a brain, no offence to him,"

"Just pick one," Ruff said.

"Listen, I don't know what your game is--" Stoick started.

"Truth or dare," the twins interrupted but Stoick ignored them.

"But I want no part of it," and with that, he started to walk out of the forge.

"Hey, but we need you now!" Tuff called after him, "please, this game can't continue! It'll die! We get let it die! I won't let it die!!!!!" Tuff fell to his knees and there was an awkward silence before Gobber broke it.

"Ya finished?" he asked before walking towards the wheel to sharpen a sword. Both twins groaned, Tuff getting back on his feet as they walked out of the forge. "I see insubordination is a key thing that runs in the family," Tuff deadpanned.

"Great, how are we gonna get Stoick to continue the game now?" Ruff asked. The two thought for a moment before a light build went of in both their heads. They looked at each other and sniggered mischievously.

"Who said he had to say anything," and with that, they both ran in the direction that Stoick walked off in, laughing.


Stoick was flying round the island on Skullcrusher. It was nearing sunset and he was heading home before he felt like someone was watching him. He looked behind him and saw nothing but he knew that he had a follower.

"Alright, come out you two," he deadpanned. The twins, who were hiding in the canopy of tree somewhat below him groaned and flew up, breaking the surface of leaves. Stoick swerves Skullcrusher around so that he faced the two troublemakers. "Ok you two, what do you want,"

"Well, since you didn't answer the question, we propose and alternate option," Ruff said and with that, a loud bang erupted from the village. Stoick turned around to see a cloud of smoke rising from the plaza.

"What happened?!" he asked the twins in an angry and demanding tone.

"Bucket's taking over the village for a day," Tuff said.

"And that's your forfeit. Let Bucket rule the village for a day," Ruff said before and she and her brother quickly flew away from what was now an angry volcano about to explode.


"At least we made it out of that one alive," Ruff said before they flew of to the cove.

Didn't think I would add Stoick and Gobber as a truth or dare did you? If you did, well, congrats, you just predicted the future. And there are more to come in. And this forfeit may not be the best but it's my first time with the forfeit so cut me some slack, and there may be other in this book as well.

And please let me know if I use a crack more than once. I lose track easily.


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