Interrupting Dares and the Blue Oldeandor Adverstisement

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After chasing Gustav around the cove for so long, Heather finally decided that she was done with the child-play, so she redirected him towards the lake and she stopped running. Gustav kept running until he looked over his shoulder and saw that Heather was simply standing there. Gustav was confused but he only looked forward when he fell into something and felt something cold on his entire body. Yep, he had fallen into the lake. From up above on the shore, pretty much all the dragons were laughing, along with some of the riders. The others knew that this was a normal thing for something like Gustav so they simply shook their heads sadly.

"Fanghook! Get me out of here!" Gustav yelled.

"Question, aren't you gonna get him out of there?" Meatlug asked when she saw that Fanghook was still laughing. And he still continued laughing and not acknowledging Meatlug's question.

Hiccup simply sighed, "Toothless, bring him outta there," Toothless looked at him with the face that said 'why me?!' But soon later, he rolled his eyes and grabbed Gustav by the back of his collar and hoisted him out of the water. Well...when I say hoist, I mean threw him out of the water. And when he was out, he started shivering.

"Remind me to never go near that lake," he managed.

"Ha, you don't know the half of it," Toothless scoffed ,"the number of time I have fallen into that lake. Ridiculous,"

"God, that was freezing!" Gustav exclaimed, standing up.

"And now Gustav, truth or dare," Astrid said, and at that moment, Heather threw a paper ball at Astrid with the most angelic face she could pull off.

"Great, now a revenge kill," he muttered. Astrid took the paper, giving Heather a weird look. Her friend simply gestured for her to open it, which she did and turns out that Heather can be seriously evil at times.

"What's the note?!" Ruff asked, leaning over Astrid's shoulder and looked down at the note. After she read it, her eyes widened a little and she walked over to Gustav.

"Word of advice, don't chose dare," Ruff whispered. Gustav didn't know what to believe but then he saw Heather passing on the message to the others, presumably whatever was on the piece of paper and their eyes also widened slightly.

"Geez," Dagur murmured," the savagery is real,"

"That's it, I'm choosing truth!" Gustav exclaimed, not wanting to know what Heather would've told Astrid.

"Ok, so this is very weird but—" Astrid started But Heather cut her off.

"Ok, I'll say it if you think it's that weird!" she exclaimed, "ok Gustav, your truth: why did ya interrupt the date?"

"That what?" Gustav asked, completely confused.

"The date, you moron, the date!" Heather answered, "the dare that I gave to Astrid," Gustav shook his head, trying to process what was happening.

"Wait, what? That was a date? When did this happen?!"

"Heather dared Astrid to spend some time alone with Hiccup so it was kinda like a date, until you crashed it," Fishlegs explained.

"What?! I didn't know!" Gustav said defensively.

"Stupid child," Snotlout deadpanned, face-palming while the twins and Dagur simply shook their heads.

"Moan And groan all you want guys, but that's not gonna change anything," Gustav said confident, crossing his arms over his chest. Heather then approached him.

"Oh really? The what would happen if I gave you a forfeit," Heather said. Gustav's confidence instantly depleted as he tried not to shake.

"Ok Heather stand down, Hiccup said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

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