Chapter 1- Percy the 'Special Case'

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🌙3rd Person Based On Artemis🌙

Artemis dived into the street, the manticore just missed her leg as she scrambled back up to her feet.
She was battling the manticore, as it had been troubling the hunt for weeks on end.
She unsheathed her silver hunting knives, they glittered in the glowing moonlight- the monster growled.
"This is the end of you Artemis" he spoke in his French accent, slightly mispronouncing her name.
"I doubt it" was all she said before throwing a hunting knife into his heart, the creature crumbled into golden dust, that was later blown away by a brittle breeze that was dusting among New York's streets.
She sheathed her knives, about to teleport back to her hunters when a shrill scream pierced through the almost silent winter night.
Artemis could tell it was a woman- she'd heard many women's cries, and she always helped them.
This obviously troubled lady wasn't going to be an exception to her helpfulness.

She used her godly senses to locate whereabouts she is, then took off towards an apartment block in the central area of New York.

Once she arrived at the door of her apartment she heard voices.

"P-please, Gabe, just have some mercy I'll I-" a woman pleaded, she sounded more worried than scared- who was she worried about?
She was cut off by a slurred, rough voice- the man was obviously very drunk.
"Shut it Sally! Or else the kid gets it!"
Artemis gasped.
A child was in there?! She had to save them!
She knocked the door down, she wanted to save both the mother and child.
When she locked eyes with the woman- realisation dawned on her face- as if she'd figured out who Artemis was.
"Maybe she's a clear sighted mortal?" Artemis thought.
Then she realised the woman- apparently called Sally- was covered in cuts and bruises, and was bleeding to death.
She looked to the left of Sally.
A man who, for some reason, resembled a walrus, was glaring at me, a knife in one hand and a half full can of beer in the other.

Artemis' anger got the best of her.

She dragged Gabe out of the apartment, sent him to the underworld, then walked back into the apartment.
She rushed over to Sally, she placed her hand on the back of the woman's head to stop her from chocking on blood.

"I can call my brother, he's a doctor" Artemis said softly, a voice only used with her hunters.
Sally flashed her a weak, but thankful smile.
"Lady Artemis" Sally started.
Artemis was shocked, this mortal knew of the mythological world!

"The fates have decided it's my time, but please take care of my son, Perseus. I know you don't like men- but you can raise him to be an exception to the horrible males of the world! His father is Poseidon." I gasped at the proposition, but she was dying, I couldn't say no.
"Sally, I will make sure you get to the Elysium. I will take care of young Perseus as if he was my own. I will raise him so he is respectful and kind, don't you worry, Sally, he is in safe hands" I assured her.
She hugged me weakly then whispered as her heart beat slowed and life force faded
"Tell Percy I love him..."
Then the life slipped out of her eyes- but the tiniest of smiles was on her face.
Artemis placed a few drachmas on her stomach then sent a prayer to Hades to make sure she got sent to the Elysium.
Her body disappeared with the drachmas.

She got up and wandered around the apartment, until she heard crying from a room at the very back of the apartment.
She opened the door and saw baby heaven in a room:
The walls were painted blue with patterns of the sea and sea creatures; toys were strewn about on the floor here and there; toy boxes and doll houses all painted blue were in the top corners of the room; and a little sea green cot with etched in waves held a crying 3 year old.
She cautiously walked over and soon enough the baby saw her.
He immediately stopped crying and looked at her curiously with big, sea green eyes. I noticed he had messy, black hair on the top of his tanned head- he was the spit of Poseidon.
He carefully said
"Where's mama?" In an adorable voice, Artemis sighed sadly, he had lost his real mother at such a young age.
She picked him up and held him close, he snuggled into her chest and fell asleep.
Artemis knew that she was supposed to turn this boy into a jackalope now, but he was so innocent, and now alone, that she couldn't help but love him at first sight.
She gave him a motherly kiss on his forehead, then clicked her fingers and teleported to the borders of the hunters camp.
As she walked in, she was instantly greeted by her loyal lieutenant Zoe, and her best friend Phoebe.
"Hello, milady!" Zoe greeted, a smile on her face.
"How did it g-" she stopped mid sentence once she saw Perseus.

"Is that your-" Artemis cut her off.

"Nope, don't worry! Gather up the hunters around the campfire- there's some big news"

She then proceeded to tell the story of Perseus in fine detail, while said boy was fast asleep in Artemis' arms.
The hunters shunned the idea first, but then realised they could raise the only good man in the world- they were in once they realised that.

From then on, Perseus was known as the 'special case' in the hunt and grew up there as their little brother.
Everything was fine until the day before his 12th birthday.

Percy Jackson- Adopted Son of Artemis (ABANDONED)Where stories live. Discover now