Chapter 27- That Girl

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🐳Percy's POV🐳

It took 3 days 8 hours and about 37 minutes for Thalia to wake up after she'd popped out of the tree.

Once she appeared, Annabeth burst into happy tears and sprinted off to her cabin, obviously not wanting people to see her cry.

Chiron, as calm as ever, placed her gently on his back and trotted his way to the infirmary, everyone just gaping.

Myself, not wanting to hint that I knew her, turned to Beckendorf who had a big hand over his mouth, dark brown eyes wide.

"Who's that?" I questioned.

He snapped out of his trance and looked at me as if just realising I was there,
"Her? That's Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus, I assume Annabeth and Lu-" he coughed to cover his name- "told you about her?"

"Ooooh, so that's Thalia?" I said, playing dumb. "Wow, that Golden Fleece really is powerful."

🐳Time Skip🐳

I walked into the infirmary and noticed Thalia in a simple white bed in the corner, she was pale and tired looking, nodding as Annabeth talked animatedly about who knows what.
I strolled over and stood next to Annabeth; Thalia's beautiful blue eyes went wide.

"PERCY!!!" She jumped up from her bed, suddenly not looking so tired, and wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.

I laughed slightly and hugged her back, burying my face in her silky black hair.

For a moment it was like it was just Thalia and I in the world, just us two hugging and nothing else mattered.

Then I realised Annabeth was here and Thalia was out of bed.

"You should stay in bed" I said, pulling my head away so we were face to face, my hands placed gently on her shoulders. I couldn't help but notice how her eyes twinkled in the harsh infirmary lights and how her pink lips were curled into a bright smile.

She glanced at her bed then back at me,
"I know"

I put more pressure on her shoulders so she'd sit down, and , by herself, she lay back in bed.

"What the Hades?!" Annabeth cried, wild eyes flicking from me, to Thalia, to me, to Thalia, and so on..

"Well... you see.." I spent the next half hour explaining how Thalia and I knew each other while she stared open-mouthed at me.

"So you knew her all this time?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I don't really know..." I said scratching the back of my neck.

Thalia sent a reassuring smile to me and my heart fluttered.

Suddenly, Annabeth looked miserable.
Her shoulders drooped, her grey eyes turned dark and her lips formed a frown. She looked at me, as if looking for reassurance.
"I thought that you...we..." -her face turned emotionless- "never mind, forget it."

She stormed out of the infirmary, blonde hair flying.

We were in silence for a moment, then I broke it.
"I'm very confused."

"You really are a seaweed brain."
I looked at Thalia and she had a fond grin on her face, then it turned quite sad. "She has a crush on you obviously!"

I froze.

What. The. Hades.

"I don't see her like that, she's like my sister." I choked out, still partially frozen.

Thalia visibly relaxed,
"Well she doesn't see you like a brother... look, before you, she was my best friend, and I don't want you to upset her, but you need to tell her before she gets false hope, before she starts falling in love..."

Thalia almost sounded like she was talking about herself by the way her eyes glazed over but then she said,
"Go. Tell her before she can't let go. And if she won't be friends with you anymore, you have me, always and forever."

I smiled my happiest smile and hugged her tight,
"Thanks Thalia."

I kissed her on the cheek then went off to find Annabeth, where would she b-

Oh my gods.

I froze outside of the infirmary.

Did I just kiss Thalia on the cheek!?

Gods, my crush is getting out of control.

Suddenly, a flushed Thalia came running towards me.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"no, I just didn't get to give you yours."

"Give me my wha-"

She planted a gentle kiss on my cheek, her lips were soft, and when she pulled back I was bright red.
"Anyways, see ya!"

She ran back off to the infirmary.

"That girl.
That girl will be the death of me" I thought fondly, all thoughts of Annabeth out of my Thalia-filled mind.

AN: Awwwwww, what a cute Perlia moment!
Thank you for all the support and patience after the cliffhanger ;)
And I'll see you in the next chapter!


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