Chapter 18- Quest?

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🐳Percy's POV🐳

I sat down on a bench around the hearth in between Annabeth and Clarisse.

"My campers," Chiron started, sighing slightly. "We have a problem."

Everyone uttered things like "obviously" and "well, duh"

"Percy alerted me of this; he was visiting Thalia's tree, when he noticed the roots had been poisoned, that is how the bull got in- the borders are now weakening."

Everyone gasped, while Annabeth was shocked, she glanced over at me with a look that said "why were you at Thalia's tree before breakfast".

"There will be an urgent quest starting tomorrow, Percy will go on it as he alerted the quest, and you can pick two companions, now carry on with your day."

Chiron trotted to the big house.

Everyone was just in a stunned silence, looking between me and Chiron who was walking through the big house door.

"I pick Annabeth and... um, I don't know... I'll decide tomorrow okay?"

The camp murmured in agreement.

The day went on like a normal one, just with more anxiousness and stress.

But one thing was on my mind at all times.

I needed to consult the oracle.

AN: I am soooooo sorry that it's so short, but I can't write a prophecy when I'm not sure who's going on the quest.
Who should accompany Percy and Annabeth?
Clarrise? Grover? Others?
Please tell me so I can get the next chapter out sooner!
Love you guys!

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