Chapter 4- Settling In and Late Night Chats

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🐳Percy's first person POV🐳

I left Thalia at 6 in the morning, because Chiron wanted to speak with me at 7. I know, I spoke to this peculiar daughter of Zeus for 4 hours straight- and it was awesome!

We spoke about anything and everything and I was in such a good mood after the talk.

I met Chiron at 7 sharp at the door of the big house.

"Hello Percy, you look in a good mood this morning"

"I am, I'm just excited to start camp properly" I lied, flashing a smile at Chiron.

"That's good to hear, well then let's get you settled in with a timetable."

He handed me a piece of paper with all of my 'lessons' on it- aka the senior campers teaching me things.
Well they can't teach me much really, I was trained with Artemis!

"I know that sons of Poseidon hate archery, but you have to learn it in case you have to fight with a bow, okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine"

So for most of the day I did sword fighting with Luke- which was very funny.

He was known as the best sword-fighter ever in camp, but I kept disarming him, to say I was amused was an understatement.
Everyone was shocked that this rookie could disarm him, but I stifled my snorts and snickers.

My last lesson was archery.
The archery targets and bows were surrounded by swaying juniper trees and blueberry bushes.
I noticed that the tree nymphs kept whispering 'good luck' as I walked past.

My teacher was Will Solace who was from the Apollo cabin, he definitely looked like Apollo.
Apollo always visited the hunt and he became a big brother to me- and Will was the spit of him!
He had the same sun-kissed hair, sky blue eyes and blinding smile. Seeing him reminded me of Ray though, which slightly dampened my mood.

"Hey, Percy! I'm Will, a son of Apollo" he greeted, flashing me a smile that seemed to burn my eyebrows a little.

"Sup" was all I said.

"Okay, sons of Poseidon aren't good archers unless they have done training since they were born- but you can still learn." He simply said in a polite manner. "Take your stance and try and shoot that middle target, then I'll correct your weaker places"

And I did that.
I pulled the charm on my bracelet and my gold and silver bow appeared (Will looked quite surprised at that),I took my stance, strung the arrow into the bow then let it fly.

Will did a double take then just kept opening his mouth then closing it, like a fish.

"H-how did yo-"

The conch horn sounded.

"See ya, Will! My lesson is over"

Then I strolled back to the cabins without a care in the world.

-🐳Line Break🐳-

I was sat at the dining pavilion, eating some delicious roasted rabbit- it tasting like Artemis' when she used to hunt them- when Annabeth came and sat at my table.
Usually, that's apparently not allowed, but Chiron had to go up to Olympus with Mr D (Percy met him at some point in the line break) for an emergency council meeting.

"So, are the rumours true? Can you shoot a bullseye almost effortlessly?" She questioned, always a curious daughter of Athena.

"Yep, I think it's because I found a bow one day on my travels around New York and just practiced" I lied.

I hated lying, but I didn't want any of the gods or demigods knowing, also, I didn't fully trust anyone yet. Apparently I trusted Thalia though...

"That's awesome! I've never been good with bows, could you maybe um, give me like a... tip or something?"

"Are you trying to ask me to help you without shooting down your pride?" I said laughing slightly.

"Hey! My fatal flaw is hubris" she complained, "wait. What's yours?"

Artemis had spoken to me about this, she said every great hero has a fatal flaw, some more deadly than others. She said mine was personal loyalty, which is very deadly for me if I do any dangerous quests, because I will risk my life to save someone close to me. And will try to do everything so no one gets hurt.

"No" I lied again.

"Well I hope yours isn't bad!"

"Me too" I agreed, then I continued eating my delicious rabbit.

-🐳At 1am🐳-

I couldn't sleep, I was deadly worried about people finding out my secret.

What if they hurt the hunt?

What if they tell the gods?

What if the gods kill me if they find out?

I decided to go and speak to Thalia again, she'll calm me down.

I snook past the harpies then walked to Thalia's tree.

I placed my hand on the bark,
"Hey Thalia, it's Percy"

Thalia appeared next to me and engulfed me in a big hug, she became completely opaque and I felt my heart flutter. She was even more beautiful when she seemed fully alive.

"Hey, Sparky"

"Hey, Seaweed Brain"

We both chuckled at our silly nicknames.

"Well then, Mr I-Can-Hit-A-Bullseye-Effortlessly, do you want to sit on our branch again?" She asked smirking at my shocked face.

"How do you know that?!" I questioned.

"Luke and Annabeth come and 'talk' to my bark everyday, Annabeth told me about the bullseye situation. I'm not surprised since you were raised in the hunt"

"Very true, Tree Face"

"Kelp head"

"Punk Pine"

"Barnacle Beard"


-🐳Line Break🐳-

It has been a month since Percy has joined Camp Half Blood, and he has settled in now.

Every night he speaks to Thalia, and soon enough they became best friends.

But Annabeth was getting suspicious, why did Percy suddenly always want to go to Thalia's pine tree with them, and how come when he touched the tree and said "hi Thalia" he smirked to the left of him, as if somebody was there.


But Annabeth knows that Percy is hiding some things- and she wants to know what.

Percy Jackson- Adopted Son of Artemis (ABANDONED)Where stories live. Discover now