Chapter 33- Bianca and Nico

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🐳Percy's POV🐳

"Oh my gods! Just... Stay calm, I'm sure there was a reason that Bianca didn't go back to camp." I tried to reassure Thalia, but my hands were shaking.

Who was this girl? Why did she do this?

I linked my fingers through hers.
"Look, we'll go back to Annabeth and tell her about Bianca and Nico, I'm sure she'll have an idea about it"

She gripped my hand tightly as we walked over to Annabeth, not uttering a word.

When we got there, her eyes flicked down to our hands with shock but soon widened at the look on Thalia's face.

"Thals, what's wrong?!" She questioned, gripping her shoulders a bit dramatically.

Thalia then told her with the smallest voice I'd ever heard about her friend Bianca who supposedly died looking for her little brother Nico.

☠️Nico's POV☠️ (AN: Oooooooh!)

Bianca's hand was warm and comforting in my cold, olive-skinned hand. We'd been running from school-to-school for a while, I'm not sure why because Bianca won't tell me.
But I trust her, I trust her with my life.

My life so far hasn't been the best though.

I barely remember most of it.

My parents died when I was a baby. I know I spent time in an amazing hotel with games and infinite food. I know I went to some sort of Summer camp according to Bianca, but I don't have any remembrance of it. I also remember, while at the summer camp Bianca says, I got kidnapped by something. And as stupid as it sounds, I don't think it was a person. But all of these memories are fuzzy and unreliable. So I have to rely on my sister.

For some reason, she seemed extremely troubled today.

I looked up at her beautiful face: copper eyes, olive skin from our Italian genes, tawny freckles, flowing black hair hanging over her forehead,
"Bianca? Are you okay?"

She was startled for a moment and stopped walking, I noticed we were about to enter the woods outside the back of the school.

She sent me a weak smile,
"I just saw someone from the summer camp we went to a while ago"

"That's a good thing right?"

"We...have some history" she squeezed my hand in reassurance, "don't worry about it, we need to leave this school anyway, we've been here too long"

She started to walk again but I pulled her back,
"Bianca, will you ever tell me why we're constantly running?" There was a hint of desperation in my voice which I hated.

She sighed then hugged me tight,
"It's because we're special, okay? And because we're special, bad things might come for us because they don't like that we're special"

I looked up at her,
"How are we special?"

She leaned down close to my ear and whispered,
"Because our father is special"

I was about to ask her about it frantically, how did she know about our father? Did she meet him?

But a teacher came out of the back door.
I'd always had a weird feeling about this teacher, he was always scowling and acted especially strange around Bianca and I. But right now, his skin looked almost green, his teeth abnormally sharp.

"What are you two doing out here?" He growled, starting to grow taller, wait, humans don't growl or suddenly start growing!!

He was extremely tall now and had sharp talons - he looked like the manticore off of my Mythomagic cards!

"Stay back!" Bianca cried, pushing me behind her.

"Why would I do that? You two look delicious..." he snarled, baring his yellow teeth at us.

He grabbed us both by the throats, one in each hand.

I grasped at his hand but it wasn't working, his grip was insanely strong and I was feeling incredibly dizzy from the lack of oxygen.
Just as black dots began to appear in my eyes, the back door burst open and three people ran out of it.

There was a girl with curly, blonde hair tied up in a messy ponytail, she was tan and had stormy grey eyes that seemed to calculate everything. She looked around 14.

There was another girl but with short, spiky black hair, pale skin and startling electric blue eyes. She also seemed to have some freckles across her nose and cheeks. She also looked 14.

Finally, there was a very attractive boy. What?! boys in more than a 'friend' way. Anyway, he had windswept hair, black as the deepest and darkest parts of the ocean, his gorgeous sea green eyes were glaring at the weird monster and his tanned skin was littered with faded scars. He was probably 14 as well.

The monster let go of me and Bianca, we fell to the floor with a 'thud'.

I noticed the monster slithered over to the trio before hissing,
"Prepare to die, Perseus Jackson!"

AN: Hey guys! I know I've been the worst author in the entire world and not been posting, but I've recently got absorbed into the crazy world of anime (YoI, AoT and Haikyuu ftw) so I was obsessed!
But anyways happy late new year!


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