Chapter 17- Um, Why Is There A Bull?

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🐳Percy's POV🐳

"Chiron! Chiron!" I said, sprinting after the old centaur who was strolling out of the Big House.

He turned and saw me, his brown eyes that usually sparkled with wisdom shon with worry and confusion.

"What's wrong, Percy?"

I caught up to him, then, while panting from my sprint, I started to explain.

"I went to Thalia's tree this morning, and the trees roots were damp, sickly green and smelt of poison...her tree has been poisoned and we need to use the Golden Fleece on the tree, or else the camp barriers might crumbl-"

A loud roar interrupted me.

There, gleaming wickedly in the sunrise, was a metal bull the size of a truck -it had gotten through the borders.

Chiron gasped,
"I'll alert Mr D immediately, Percy, I think you're right."

He galloped off.

The campers gathered around me, the younger ones shaking when they saw the bull.

"Okay everyone, I'll explain later, but right now, we need to whoop some bull butt; archers, try finding a chink in the celestial bronze outer skin" -the Apollo cabin plus some of Hermes' kids ran to do so- "Hephaestus and others who can help, set up some traps of some sort" -the Hephaestus cabin and half of the Athena cabin ran off to fulfill my command- "everyone else, get your swords and other weapons, let's go!"

I pulled the bow charm on my bracelet and my beautiful bow appeared in my hands, it was even more precious now that Ray died.

I stood with the archers, firing at certain places, trying my best to find a chink, but I couldn't.

I transformed my bow back and pulled on my spear charm.
A blood red spear stood proudly in my hands.

I joined the other campers, dodging the traps set up and the fire being blown from this huge beast who was trampling the usually bright green grass.

I rolled and slashed and swiped, but we couldn't do anything.
Then I got a plan. A terrible, probably disastrous plan, but hey, it's better than nothing!

"Everyone retreat back!" I commanded, they looked uncertain, but did it.

The bull turned to me, it's ruby red eyes boring into me.

"Hey, metal head, come get me" I taunted.

It opened its mouth to screech a determined roar, but in a second, I'd uncapped Riptide, aimed and thrown it into the bull's mouth.
I heard satisfying squeaks and creaks before the beast froze, then crumbled to dust, Riptide laying in it.

The campers cheered, happy that the beast was finally gone.

Chiron appeared.

"I see that you have taken care of this beast, but I have news that has been brought to me by Percy. Gather around the hearth my campers."

Everyone was shocked for a moment, the glory in the dead beast gone, then eventually everyone made their way to the hearth.

I picked up Riptide, blew off the dust, then capped it.

Brushing my fingers against Thalia's bark, I said, "Hey, Thals, you don't have to come out if you're hurting, but don't worry, I promise I'll get you better, Σπάνια" (Σπάνια means sparky in Greek)

I heard a hum in thankfulness and a murmur of "thanks" but that was about it.

I wasn't going to complain, she was probably feeling very unwell soooooo, yeah, I'm glad I even got a murmur.

I just hope that I can get a quest and save Thalia...

I glanced at the tree once more, then started to stroll to the hearth.

AN: I'm sorry once again for this short chapter, buuuuut, in the next one, I'm thinking of bringing Tyson into this, and maybe even Hestia! So I'll see ya in the next chapter!

Percy Jackson- Adopted Son of Artemis (ABANDONED)Where stories live. Discover now