Chapter 15- Thaliaaaaa! Im hooome!

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🐳Percy's POV🐳

We spent most of the day being congratulated for surviving but we only told Chiron about Luke.
He was very shocked.
But for most of the day we celebrated and ate lots of cake, apparently there hadn't been a quest in ages, so this was pretty exciting!

I probably should have been tired, but I wasn't, I desperately wanted to see Thalia, I'd missed her so much.

Once we were sent to our cabins to sleep, I snook off to Thalia's tree.

I placed my hand on the bark,
"Hey, Thalia. It's Percy"

She materialised next to me, her electric blue eyes sparkling as the cell sap tears filled them; her spiky black hair made the sky look grey; and a full blown, ear to ear grin stretched across her pale, freckly face.

We just hugged each other for a while, I didn't know whether it was for a minute or an hour, but it was very comforting.
I had my arms wrapped around the back of her neck as she was a bit shorter than me, while her arms were around my waist.
It was perfect.

Once we broke apart I said,
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I've missed you so much, Thalia, but I have so much to tell you"

She just put her hand on my cheek, as if she couldn't believe I was really here. She was just gazing at every feature of my face, relishing in me being with her at this moment.
"The person who could speak to me was called Bianca, a child of Hades, she died on a secret quest to save her little brother. She was quite shy if I'm honest, but at least now she'll be with her mother."
She paused for another moment, then brushed her hand through my raven hair.
"You're here. You came back like you promised. Thank you."

We sat on our branch, and I told her about the quest and Luke.
She was shocked and upset that Luke, who she saw as her protective older brother, would turn on us.

"But um, then he did something else..." I trailed off, then told Thalia how Luke guessed I was from the hunt, I played dumb, but then he killed Ray, Sophie, Selena and Phoebe.

Tears were pouring down my face by now, and I had my face buried in Thalia's neck as she comforted me.

The night went on like that.

Us two catching up, talking and crying about our problems then comforting each other.
Even though we were only 12, we had already seen sad and traumatising things.
The visions of my sisters' pleading gazes as they died.

They thought I could save them.
I've failed.
I'm an idiot.
I've made them disappointed in me.
Snap out of it! Thalia would slap me if she heard me thinking that!

But Percy and Thalia were just there for each other,
and that's what they missed having while Percy was away.

AN: I'm sooooo sorry about the shortness, but ooooooh, Perlia fluff! It's adorable! But like I said, no relationship until they're at least 15. Got it? Good.
Anyways, I love you all, bye!

Percy Jackson- Adopted Son of Artemis (ABANDONED)Where stories live. Discover now