Chapter 26- Thalia Is Fully Alive

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🐳Percy's POV🐳

We are so close to camp, I'm so happy and relieved.

Annabeth has figured out how to turn Clarrise back, all she did was look it up in this big, dusty book and boom, she was sorted.

Then, suddenly, another boat appeared and on board was Luke with hoards and hoards of monsters.

I sent a wave knocking the boat over, luckily, the boat toppled and they all fell in, I used the time to speed off and I thought I had sorted it.

After another half hour, I saw Long Island appear in the distance.... aaaand Luke's boat as well.

"How the Hades?!" I thought.

"Ummm Annabeth?" I said to her as she had her gaze firmly set on a book called The Girl On The Train.

"Yes?" She lifted her head up and looked at me questioningly.

I simply nodded my head in the direction of Luke's boat and she stood up sharply, dropping the book in the process.

"Oh my gods." I heard her mutter.

"Yep" was just my reply.

She started muttering to herself, her stormy grey eyes flickering from Luke's boat to Long Island and back.

Then her eyes lit up and she pointed to a smaller river leading off to the side, I noticed it was the same river that went into the woods at camp half blood.

"You're a genius! I saw it but didn't think of that" I smiled at her, then started the boat in that direction.

"You saw but you didn't observe" she smirked, before picking her book up and continuing.
(AN : kudos to you if you get the reference ;))

After some skilful boat steering, if I do say so myself, we reached the border of Camp Half Blood. I was home.

We called for Clarrise who was below deck with the Golden Fleece and we jumped off the boat, sprinting towards CHB to Thalia's tree.

As we went through the almost completely broken border, Chiron and some senior campers (the Stolls, Beckendorf, Silena ect.) ran to join us, not saying a word because of the anticipation.

Clarrise handed me the fleece, and for the first and probably last time, shot me a tiny smile.

I draped it over the poisoned branch, praying to every god, goddess and deity I could think of.

Suddenly, streams of beautiful golden light burst from the fleece and slowly twisted around the rough bark, as if giving it a gentle hug, until the tree was shimmering the same colour as the fleece.

I heard a few 'oohs' and 'wows'.

I felt the borders strengthen and let a relieved sigh escape my lips.

As the beautiful light died down and the tree regained its natural colour, the last bits of golden light formed the outline of a person at the foot of the pine.

With a 'pop!' my best friend and the person I trusted the most appeared fully in person.

Thalia sat at the foot of the tree, her porcelain skin as white as a ghosts but in places flushed and of course opaque. She had her eyes closed as if asleep so you couldn't see her gorgeous electric blue eyes and her pink lips were parted as she took in steady breaths.

She was fully alive.

AN: I know it's short but I wanted to be sly and give you a cliffhanger ;P Btw thank you sooooooo much for all the support and 15k reads! It's crazy!!!
Anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter, bye!!!


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