Chapter 12- Luke!

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🐳Percy's POV🐳

I was completely speechless.

All of my time at the hunt, Artemis had spoken fondly about my mother and how brave she was.
Now here was my mother, about 6 meters away from me.

I must've gasped or made some sort of noise because Annabeth glanced over to me with her eyebrow raised.
"You recognise someone?"

"Umm, no"

"Sure,"-she obviously didn't believe me-"but it's nothing to do with me, so I won't push"

I felt thankful towards the daughter of Athena, it's hard for them to put the feelings of others before their need of knowledge.

I just gazed at my mother, she seemed so happy and carefree, I couldn't wait to meet her properly when I, um, you know, pass on. Which could be soon especially on a quest like this.

"We should head to Hades' now" Luke said, ending my trance at my mother.

"Yeah, we should, but keep your guard up for any of Hades' monsters" I ordered, then we began to manoeuvre our way towards the looming, Stygian iron palace in the distance.

🐳Line Break🐳

I was starting to feel hopeful.
We had only encountered one dangerous monster this entire quest! That was amazing good luck.

But it didn't last long.

When we left the border of Elysium, things started to gradually go downhill, until all of my hope seemed to tumble to Tartarus.

It's started when I felt like I was being watched, since I grew with the hunt, I had good senses, my hairs stood up on the back of my neck when someone or something was watching me.
That happened.
My hairs stood up on the back of my neck and I turned around, nothing.
I ignored it.
I thought it was a stray soul, glancing over in our direction with pure curiosity.

Boy, was I wrong.

We continued to walk towards the palace, our weapons ready in front of us.
We were not far from the palace when we were suddenly surrounded.

Hundreds, maybe a thousand, monsters circled around us, bloodthirsty for some killing.

My fatal flaw got the better of me.

"Annabeth, Luke, go to Hades' palace, tell him about the quest, the prophecy, the oracle, everything. If he doesn't listen, sneak out and figure out what the heck the last part of Apollo's haiku meant. I'll take care of these monsters."

Annabeth looked like she was going to burst into tears, faint and beat me up at the same time.
"N-no please, that's what T-Thalia said b-before she died! Please Percy, come with us, we'll find a way! I can't loose you, you're like a brother to me" she begged, tears filling her stormy grey eyes.

I sighed then looked over at Luke for help. But he was just staring at the ground with pure guilt painted on his face, very strange.

"Annabeth, go. Trust me."

She grabbed Luke by the hand, glanced at me, tears falling, then ran off quickly, leaving the monsters to lick their lips because "yay! We have tasty sea food!".

I readied my sword, it glowed in the darkness of Hades' realm.
Then, without warning, I leaped forward.

I became a blur of destruction, my sword became a celestial bronze arch of destruction, incinerating anything that stood in its path.

I began to tire, I'd killed about half of the monsters, leaving around 500.

This was not good.

I then remembered something, I could cause earthquakes, and we were underground!

I stopped and put my palms forward into the air in front of me.

The monsters looked shocked, it's like they were thinking, "why the heck has our breakfast frozen"

I concentrated on the rocks around me, I thought of the ground trembling, cracks forming, an almost endless pit down to Tartarus.
And it happened.

The walls and ground trembled violently, the monsters wobbled, I stomped my foot and a hug crack appeared under the creatures, the monsters cowered, the crack opened, making 95% of the monsters stumble and fall straight to Tartarus.

I let my arms fall back to my sides, I was exhausted
I quickly turned the remaining shocked monsters to dust, then collapsed on the floor.

The last thing I remembered was tear-filled stormy grey eyes.

🐳Line Break🐳

I opened my eyes painfully slow, my entire body ached and ached. As I opened my eyes, black spots covered my vision, then spiralled into nothingness.

I cautiously sat up and looked around me.
I was lay next to Annabeth on top of a mountain. It was dotted with patches of snow and the sky was ebony, the glow of the moon didn't seem to reach here, as if it was afraid of it.

I then realised we were in celestial bronze shackles, and Luke stood in front of us, smiling sadistically.

Annabeth woke, then tried to launch herself at Luke, her dagger drawn, just to be pulled back by her shackles,
"You traitor" she growled, gritting her teeth.

"Huh?" Was all I said, Luke was a traitor?

"Oh sweet, innocent Percy. You have so much to learn. I realised that the gods are horrific rulers, you know I've never met my father? I've known who my father since I was 5, 5 Percy! HE HASNT SPOKEN TO ME ONCE!" He stopped and took a deep breath, then continued, "the gods are terrible leaders, so I have joined the Rebels, the clan who wish to destroy Olympus, brick by brick, then rebuild it completely, better than ever." He finished, his sadistic grin even wider.

I narrowed my eyes at him, he was the one who betrayed us, I trusted him with my life, HE RODE ON GUIDO!

"Luke, it doesn't have to be this way" I said, trying to talk sense into him.

"It does, this is the only way"

"Think about it, me and Annabeth, Thalia, we'll be gone if your clan succeeds, do you want that?"

He paused for a moment.

"If that's what it takes for me and all the unrecognised demigods to be noticed, then I'll take the chance"

"You selfish brat" Annabeth snarled, glaring at him murderously. "Thalia sacrificed herself for you, and this is how you're going to spend your life?!"

He glared back at her,
"Don't bring Thalia into this, she'd agree with me anyway"

That made me angry, really angry.
I may have only known Thalia for a month or two, but we were best friends, and I won't let anyone assume my best friend would join Luke and his clan of evil creatures.

I stood up, surprising Luke because the shackles were incredibly heavy.

"Thalia would never join someone like you" I spat, I usually wasn't this mean, but Artemis told me no one should disrespect a lady, and he just did.

"Why do you care, Jackson? She doesn't even know you exist"

I wanted to get under his skin.

"Imagine Thalia here right now, she would be so disappointed, imagine her disapproving face, you've let her down completely"

He was shaking.

I was angry.


"No. You deserve it"

He launched at me, ready to kill me, but I leaped to the side, my hands becoming loose from the shackles.
I grabbed Riptide and met Luke's blade.

I felt a tug in my gut.

AN: Oooh, exciting! I wonder what will happen next ;)

Percy Jackson- Adopted Son of Artemis (ABANDONED)Where stories live. Discover now