"Yes!!!" "Um, I mean I would love to" Caitlin replied. "So where do you want to go?"asked Barry filled with joy that she said yes."Surprise me"replied Caitlin. "It's a date Dr.Snow."said Barry smiling. "Yes it is Mr.Allen" suddenly there was an alert about an truck carrying a diamond getting robbed."Better go get him Barry"said Caitlin still beaming with joy. "Be back in a flash" Barry commented. Soon enough Barry sped off leaving a whole mess of papers behind in the cortex with Caitlin. "I really do need to get some paper weights around here" Caitlin said to herself. Cisco walked into the room when she said that. "Where's Barry?"asked Cisco. "There is a truck carrying the dynasty diamond being robbed"Caitlin said. "Oh man, well let's help him out."said Cisco hurriedly. "Barry! What is happening?"yelled Caitlin."There are four guys, one of them with a cold gun, I am about to stop the one with the cold gun." *bang*"BARRY!! Are you there?" "Yes, one of the police officers has been shot, Cisco where's the nearest hospital?"said Barry frustrated."24th and Medical" Barry zoomed off to the hospital but now before seeing what the bad guy looked like. He has seen his face before on the most wanted list. It was no one other than Leonard Snart.
To be continued...

Love is Hope (Snowbarry)
FanfictionIt's been months after Barry woke up with superspeed. He has a crush on Caitlin Snow and finally worked up the nerve to ask her out. Find out with the adventures of Caitlin and Barry and experience the excitement.