Part 15

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Barry was dazed by her beauty. She was stunning. All he could think about was her. He forgot how late they were and that they needed to get to STAR Labs. All he could do was stare at Caitlin. "You look beautiful." Barry said. "Thanks Barry, but we need to go." Caitlin said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Oh yeah." Barry picked up and raced over to STAR Labs to find Cisco and Dr. Harrison Wells at the cortex. "Dr.Wells you are back from your vacation so soon! How are you?" Caitlin asked politely. He walked over to Caitlin and gave her a hug. "I couldn't be better. Thanks for asking." Wells said as he headed over to Barry. "I'm glad your back Mr.Wells. It's nice to see you again." Barry said. "I'm glad to be back Mr.Allen. Can I have a word with you in the hallway?" Harrison asked. "Um, sure Dr.Wells." Barry said kind of confused to what he did. "Oooh your in trouble." Said Cisco as Barry walked passed him. When Barry was in the hallway Caitlin asked Cisco "What do you think there talking about?" "I have no idea."
To be continued...

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