Caitlin went up to Ronnie while Barry helped Martin Stein. "Ronnie? Is it really you?" Caitlin asked. "It's me Cait." Ronnie gave Caitlin a hug. Barry walked over with Martin Stein behind him. "Are you ready to go?" Barry asked towards Caitlin. "Yeah, lets go."
They were back at STAR Labs and Caitlin was running test on Martin Stein because she already was done with Ronnie. Barry was in the cortex when Ronnie walked in. Ronnie made his way over to Barry to talk with him. "So your Barry?" Ronnie said. "Yes I am." He said with a neutral expression on his face. "She really loves you, you know." Ronnie told Barry. "I love her so much. But I think she still has feelings for you." He said with a sad feeling in his voice. "Barry. I know her. She loves you." Ronnie said in conformation. He took a deep breath and continued. "I was presumed dead for almost a year. You make her happy and smile and feel loved. That is all I ever wanted for her. And you Barry, can give that to her." Ronnie told Barry. "I love her so much. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me." Barry confessed to Ronnie. "Barry promise me something." Ronnie asked Barry. "Sure, anything." He said curiously. "Promise me that one day you will marry her and always keep her smiling." Ronnie said. "I promise." Barry said a little shocked. Ronnie then walked away. He knew something was still wrong with him and he had to go.
Some time passed and Ronnie and Martin Stein's temperature was still high. Suddenly both of them were starting to have sudden outbursts of energy. "We have to join forces again!" Martin Stein said to Ronnie. Caitlin interrupted, "What if you can't seperate this time?" Caitlin said with worry in her face. "It is going to be ok." Ronnie tried to ease Caitlin's worries. Barry then walked over to her and gave her a hug. Wells then stepped in. "I think for this to be succesful, you both have to accept each other and not try to push the other away." Wells told Martin Stein and Ronnie. They did as they were told and joined forces succesfully. They also easily seperated also. "I think you two should be called Firestorm!" Cisco said with excitement.
It was the next day and Ronnie and Marin Stein had to leave. "Martin knows a person who lives in the mountains that can help us learn our powers." Ronnie told Caitlin. She was sad that he had to leave but she knew it was for the best. "Listen Cait. I want you to be happy. If Barry makes you happy. I am glad that you have him. Just don't push the ones you love away. You need them." Ronnie then gave Caitlin one last hug. Caitlin jogged over to Barry as he wrapped his arms around her. Martin Stein and Ronnie then flew off into the sky. "Caitlin?" Barry said. "Yes?" She said. "I love you." He told her. "I love you to." Caitlin said. They both shared a passionate kiss with one another.

Love is Hope (Snowbarry)
FanfictionIt's been months after Barry woke up with superspeed. He has a crush on Caitlin Snow and finally worked up the nerve to ask her out. Find out with the adventures of Caitlin and Barry and experience the excitement.