Barry was crying very hard. Still holding Caitlin in his arms. He has already loss too many people in his life. All he knew to do was run. As hard as he possibly can. He was running too fast. All of a sudden he was back to this morning with Caitlin still alive. Holding her in his arms racing over to STAR Labs. When he got there he abruptly kissed Caitlin. "You're here" Barry said. "Your still alive" He thought to himself. "Of course I'm here. You carried me here. Barry, are you ok?" Caitlin asked. "Everything is perfect" Barry said smiling.
Everything went as it did before Barry time traveled. But this time he told Wells about how he time traveled. Excluding the fact that Caitlin dies. "This is amazing! I didn't even know it was possible." Barry exclaimed. "It is, clearly. Just make sure you do everything as you did the same." Wells replied. "Ok got it." Keeping it a secret that he planned to save Caitlin. After that everything continued the same. Iris coming over,etc. But this time Barry was more ready and determined to defeat Mark Mardon.
To be continued...

Love is Hope (Snowbarry)
FanfictionIt's been months after Barry woke up with superspeed. He has a crush on Caitlin Snow and finally worked up the nerve to ask her out. Find out with the adventures of Caitlin and Barry and experience the excitement.