Caitlin woke up to the sound of Barry making breakfast. She remembered last night with her and Barry. "Good morning sleeping beauty." Said Barry. "Good morning. So what's for breakfast?"Caitlin asked because she was starving. "An omelette with bacon and orange juice." Barry said cooking the bacon. "Sounds yummy." Caitlin said as her stomach growled. Soon enough Barry finished cooking breakfast. He set the table and they began to eat. "You look beautiful Cait." Barry said out of nowhere. "Thanks Barry. What do you want to do today?" She asked blushing. "Do you want to have a picnic, it is my day off."Barry replied. "Sounds great lets go around noon."Caitlin told Barry. "See you then." Barry loved spending time with Caitlin and last night was sure a night to remember for him. She looked gorgeous under the stars and the moonlight. They finished their breakfast. Barry went to STAR Labs while Caitlin stayed home and did some cleaning. Cisco was there. "Hey Barry how is Caitlin?" Asked Cisco. "She's fine, we are going on a picnic at noon." "Good for you bro." Suddenly they heard an alert. Cisco raced over to see what it was. "A house is on fire!" Cisco said. "On my way." When Barry got there he was shocked to see it was Iris's house.
To be continued...

Love is Hope (Snowbarry)
FanficIt's been months after Barry woke up with superspeed. He has a crush on Caitlin Snow and finally worked up the nerve to ask her out. Find out with the adventures of Caitlin and Barry and experience the excitement.