All of STAR Labs was silent. Finnaly, Cisco said "Well, um, we will do everything we can to save him. Im going to start working on that now." He walked off to his little station to think. Wells did the same thing to help. Barry was comforting Caitlin. He had his arms wrapped around her to comfort her. "Everythings going to be okay." Barry said as he rubbed Caitlin's back. "How do you know?" Caitlin asked scared that she may never see Ronnie again. "One thing I know is that we will do everything humanly possible to save Ronnie. We never turn our head when someone needs help." Barry's words sure helped Caitlin. "Thank you." Caitlin tilted her head up to see Barry's face and she kissed him on the lips. "I love you. You know that right?" Caitlin said mesmerized in his green eyes. "Yes I do and I love you too." Barry gave Caitlin a quick peck on the lips.
Some time had passed and Cisco and Wells found a way to save Ronnie. "What do you have Cisco?" Caitlin asked. "Ok. I created a device" Wells coughs loudly. "Ok WE created a device that will split Ronnie's and Martin Stein's atoms from each other without causing a nucleur explosion. It is called a Quantum Splicer." Cisco bowed after that little speech he just gave. "That is great! We need to go get him!" Caitlin said happily. Caitlin went into the room where Ronnie should have been and he wasn't there. She went back in the cortex. "Guys. I can't find Ronnie." Caitlin was worried. Barry came over to Caitlin. "Ok Im going to search all of STAR Labs really quick to make sure." Barry said as he sped off. "Cisco check the satellite to see if there are any traces of nucleur energy anywhere." Caitlin said as she walked over to him. Barry came back. "He isn't in STAR Labs." He said to Caitlin. "Got him! There is a small amount of nucleur energy here in the middle of the desert." Cisco said to Barry. "Ok I'll grab the device and you can talk me through how to use it." Barry was about to speed off when Caitlin grabbed him. "No I'm coming with you. I know what to do with it." Caitlin insisted. "I don't want you to get hurt." He said to Caitlin. "Don't worry. We will both be fine. Now lets go." Barry picked Caitlin up bridal style and raced to the desert to Ronnie." Ronnie didn't look so good. "Ronnie!!!" Caitlin yelled walking to him with Barry right behind her incase he blew up. "We can help you." Ronnie was hesitant but let her do whatever she needed to do. Caitlin applied the device. Ronnie's skin was starting to glow red with energy. "Caitlin we need to get out of here." Barry said grabbing her arm. "No wait!" Caitlin said with her voice raised a little. "CAITLIN GO!!!!" Ronnie yelled. Barry picked Caitlin up and sped off as fast as he can. Ronnie made a huge explosion. Barry ran as fast as he could but the wave of smoke got them.
"Cisco! I don't know how much radiation we were exposed to." Barry said with a slightly raised tone because his hearing was affected by the blast. "Your radiation levels from the suit are all normal." Caitlin heard what Cisco said. "This means that Ronnie didn't blow up!" Caitlin was relieved. Barry raced him and Caitlin back to where Ronnie was to see not only Ronnie but also Martin Stein.

Love is Hope (Snowbarry)
FanfictionIt's been months after Barry woke up with superspeed. He has a crush on Caitlin Snow and finally worked up the nerve to ask her out. Find out with the adventures of Caitlin and Barry and experience the excitement.