Part 30

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A month has passed. Mark Mardon is in Iron Heights in a special cell the team invented. He is all healed up and everything is fine with him, except for the fact that he is locked up. Barry and Caitlin are as strong as ever. Caitlin asked Barry if he wanted to stay at her place permanently. He of course said yes! Moving in together wasn't a big change, he technically already was moved in. They got "busy"  a lot to celebrate him moving in if you know what I mean ;)
They were at Star Labs doing what they normally do then Barry's phone rang. It was Joe. "Homicide at Stern. Victim was burned to a crisp and hard to identify. Can your friends at STAR Labs help?" Joe asked. "Sure. Be right there." Barry hung up the phone and filled Caitlin in. "Do you think it's a meta?" She asked. "Could be." Barry said. "I'm going to check it out." Barry then sped off to the crime scene. "What we got Joe?" Barry asked. "Thomas Hayne. He was a employee here. He was on his way home, leaving work and this happened to him." Joe explained. "He wasn't arguing with anyone?" Barry asked. "I asked his co-workers and family. He got along with everyone." Joe said. "So far no lead?" Barry confirmed. "Exactly." Replied Joe. "Darn." Barry said in frustration. "I'm going to ask the owner for access to his cameras. Maybe we will have something there." Joe said. " I'm going back to STAR Labs to get their help." Barry said. He then sped off to STAR Labs and filled Caitlin in. "I took a sample to determine if he is a metahuman." Caitlin took the vile out of Barry's hands. "I'll go run some tests." Caitlin said all sweet like. "Hold on one sec." Barry pulled Caitlin close and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips. At that moment Ronnie Raymond walked into STAR Labs. "I hope I'm not interrupting, but I need your help." Ronnie said in a formal way. Caitlin broke away from her and Barry's tiny make out session. "Ronnie!" Caitlin said with a shocked expression.
To be continued...

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