"What are you doing here?" Barry said before he got another jolt of electricity to him. He doesn't know how much more he can take. "Barry!!!" Caitlin screamed in terror. "Stop it!" She screamed at Mark Mardon. "I guess you really love him don't you." Mark Mardon said.Barry was laying on the ground in pain. Caitlin stood up in front of Barry protecting him. "You don't know how much." Caitlin said with anger tears filling her eyes. "It would be a shame if he died wouldn't it." He said. "That's not going to happen." Caitlin said. Barry had just enough energy to get back up. He zoomed Caitlin off to the side. "Stay here!" Barry said to Caitlin. "This is between you and me. Leave her out of it." Barry said angrily. "Oh I would much rather have her in this. It's time for you to experience the pain I have gone through." Before Barry could react he formed a razor sharp icicle and shot it at Caitlin with incredible speed. He raced against the icicle it being a few feet in front of him. Lightning shot out behind him. He was focused on saving Caitlin. He could see the terror in her eyes when she saw her impending death. Barry wasn't fast enough. The icicle ripped through Caitlin's heart. Caitlin was falling to the ground. Barry caught her in his arms. "NOOO!!" Barry yelled, tears streaming down his face. Mark Mardon made off before Barry could catch him. "Your not going to die. Your not going to die." Barry said to himself tears streaming down his face. He had her head propped up on his lap. The icicle still in her chest to prevent more blood from running out. "Barry" Caitlin said shakily. "You don't need to talk, keep your energy." Barry said weepingly. "Just remember, I love you." Caitlin said with her final breath. She closed her eyes. Her lifeless body still laying in Barry's lap.
To be continued...

Love is Hope (Snowbarry)
FanfictionIt's been months after Barry woke up with superspeed. He has a crush on Caitlin Snow and finally worked up the nerve to ask her out. Find out with the adventures of Caitlin and Barry and experience the excitement.