Part 12

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"Oh, I'm sorry dude." Cisco said to Barry. "It's ok I just have to find somewhere to stay until I find an apartment." "Oh ok, maybe Caitlin can let you stay over for awhile. I know how close you two are." Cisco told Barry. He wish he can stay at his apartment. He just doesn't have the room. "That's a good idea, let me ask Caitlin." Barry took out his phone and called Caitlin. "Cait" "Hey Barry!" Cait said with enthusiasm."Bad news. My house burned down and I have nowhere to live. Do you think I can stay at your place until I can find an apartment?" "Barry you didn't even have to ask. Of course you can!" Caitlin told Barry happy that she gets to see him more often. "So instead of a picnic, maybe I can get settled in at your place?" Barry asked questioningly. "Sure." Replied Caitlin.
Barry scavenged all the things that was still good from his old house and put them in a box. He sped off to Caitlin's apartment. Barry knocked on the door. "Coming!" Yelled Caitlin. A few seconds later the door opened. "Hey Barry, I was just cleaning up." Caitlin said. "Looks nice, so where should I place this box?" Barry asked. "Oh just place it in the corner over there." Barry went over to the corner and placed his box there. He didn't have much just some clothes and pictures of his mom and dad. He misses them very much. "Thanks Caitlin, for everything." Barry said. "Oh it's no problem. I made us dinner." Caitlin went over to the dining table. On it was two plates of steak and carrots. "You are too kind Caitlin Snow." Barry went over to Caitlin and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Caitlin blushed a little. They sat down and started to eat. "This is delicious! Best steak I have ever had!" Barry complimented. "Thanks Barry." After they were done eating it was pretty late and they both were tired. "I will sleep on the couch." Caitlin said. "Oh no it's your apartment let me sleep on the couch." Barry insisted. "Ok if you insist." They both went to bed. Caitlin didn't like to sleep alone so after 10 minutes Caitlin came into the living room dressed in her pajamas. "Barry are you still awake?" "Yes Caitlin, what's wrong." Barry asked. "I don't like to sleep alone."
To be continued...

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