Part 6

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"Cisco!! Caitlin was kidnapped by Leonard Snart. He had some type of cold gun."yelled Barry trying to hold back tears. "About that, I sort of created it. It was here at STAR Labs. One of the janitors must have stolen it."replied Cisco. "Seriously Cisco, Caitlin's life is in danger because of you!!!"Barry yelled angrily. " I'm sorry I didn't mean to.." Cisco said apologetically. " Forget it we need to stop him."Barry said. "How about his code name is Captain Cold." "Sure, whatever we just need to find Caitlin, I love her Cisco!!" Barry said. "You really care for her don't you." "Yes, she is like the center of my world, all I want to do is protect her and I failed today I don't deserve her love."said Barry with a frown. "Barry!! Don't think like that you deserve her, sure you make mistakes ,but your only human. Dude your the flash!!" Cisco cheered Barry up. "Your right Cisco, thanks now let's find Caitlin." Barry said. Cisco went on the computer." I'll track her cell phone. She is in an abandon wear house on 64th street. Go!!" As soon as Barry heard him he was running at the speed of sound to find her. When he arrived he found Caitlin tied to a chair with a trip wire and Captain Cold standing next to her with his Cold gun. " So you finally found me Flash, you came to see her die" Captain Cold started to walk towards Barry avoiding the trip wire. "No I came here to see you lose." He wasn't alone. Suddenly Mick Rory came up aka Heat Wave. "I got partners too Flash." "Cisco his partner has a heat gun." Barry said into his comm. "Ok get the guns to cross streams, that should cancel them out." "Ok Cisco got it." Barry ran out into the streets and they followed. Suddenly everyone saw him. They had their phones out videotaping him. Barry had to get everyone out of the way, and quick.
To be continued...

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