Part 13

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"It's just that I get scared when I'm all alone by myself." Caitlin told Barry. "I can get in the bed with you, if it's alright."Barry said sleepily. "Yes, I would like that." Caitlin told Barry. They both headed to her bedroom and got in the bed. "Good night Barry." Caitlin said sleepily. "Good night Caitlin." Replied Barry. Caitlin fell asleep almost instantly because she was so tired. Barry on the other hand was just staring at Caitlin. "She looks so peaceful and beautiful when she is asleep, I mean she is beautiful all the time, but I know what I mean." Barry thought. All of a sudden Caitlin had her head on Barry's chest. Barry enjoyed this very much. He stroked her hair. "I love you." Barry said to Caitlin. She didn't hear him because she was sleeping. Soon enough Barry went to sleep with an arm around Caitlin and her head on his chest.
To be continued...

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