The End

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Six years have passed since the last part. Barry and Caitlin are happily married with twins, a boy and a girl. They live in a four bedroom house in Central City. "Bella come here sweetie!" Caitlin called to her two year old child. "Comming mommy!!" Out of no-where Bella zoomed right in front of her mom. That was the first time she ever used her super speed ability. "Mommy what just happened?" The confused two-year old asked. "Don't worry sweetie. Everything will be fine. Let me call your dad." Caitlin grabbed her cell phone and called Barry. Her child Henry then walked into the room to be with his mom. "Barry. You need to get here quick!" Barry was at STAR Labs and quickly sped to his home with Caitlin while they were both still on the phone together. He then tapped on her shoulder and made her jump. "Quick enough for you?" He joked with her. "Jeez you scared me." Caitlin said. "Daddy!!!" The twins then rushed into Barry's arms. He picked them up one in each arm. "So what did you need sweety?" Barry asked lovingly to Caitlin. "Bella is a speedster Barry. Just like you." Caitlin told him. "What! Really! That is so cool!" Barry said very excited. "It sure is. Bella, honey why dont you show dad what you just did." Barry then sat Bella and Henry down.

"Ok mommy." Bella then ran circles around Barry and Caitlin. She stopped in front of Barry. "Wow! You were amazing sweety." Barry said as he picked Bella up. Henry saw what Bella did and wanted to give it a shot. To Caitlin and Barry's surprise, Henry ran around them too, but faster than Bella. They both were shocked. "You can run fast too! Im so proud of you son!" Barry said to Henry picking him up also. "Thanks daddy." The twins then gave their father a big hug. "I love all of you." Barry said to his family. "We love you too." Caitlin said to Barry giving him a kiss on the lips. "Ewwww." The twins said in unison. They all joined in for a family hug. After the hug ended Caitlin had something to tell the family. "I have a huge announcement to make to all of you." Caitlin said. Barry knodded his head for her to continue. "Im pregnant!" Barry then smiled ear to ear. He set the twins down and gave her a passionate kiss. He forgot the twins were there for a second. "So there is a baby in mommy's tummy?" Henry asked his dad. "Yes there is, and you two will have a younger brother or sister." Barry told the twins in an upbeat voice. "Yay!" The twins said in unison. Barry then turned back to Caitlin. "I love you Barry Allen." Caitlin said as her faced blushed red. "I love you too Caitlin Allen." Barry and Caitlin then lived happily ever after with their twins Bella and Henry Allen and their new born Nora Allen.

The end.

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