Everyone was in panic. People were fleeing from the park screaming.Winds were blowing strong. It was awful. Barry quickly sped everyone out of the way. He then stood in front of Mark Mardon. "Hey Flash, that's what people are calling you isn't it." He said with an evil grin. Barry didn't say anything. "Not much for talking huh. Fine by me. Your going to die anyways." Mark Mardon conjured up a huge hail ball. He threw it at Barry as fast as he could. Barry saw it immediately. It came slow through his eyes. He felt like he had all the time in the world. He saw the ball of ice slide by. When it was past him he stood straight again, giving off a flash of lightning. "I hate you Flash. What you and that cop did, you deserve to die. I will avenge my brother!" Mark Mardon yelled with an angry face. It looks like he has tears in his eyes. "This is about your brother?" Barry asked. "He was a murderer! People don't deserve this. Besides, your brother was about to kill me. Luckily the cop saved me." Barry said. "Oh you are so going to die!" He conjured up a lightning bolt and struck Barry. It hurt a lot, but not for long thanks to Barry's super healing. Barry was about to land a punch when out of the corner of his eye he saw Caitlin. He looked toward her and said "Caitlin?"
To be continued...

Love is Hope (Snowbarry)
FanfictionIt's been months after Barry woke up with superspeed. He has a crush on Caitlin Snow and finally worked up the nerve to ask her out. Find out with the adventures of Caitlin and Barry and experience the excitement.