Part 24

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Cisco received Caitlin's text. "I have to go monitor Mardon. Caitlin went home." Cisco told Harry. "Alright, you go I got it here." Harry said. He continued with his experiment. Cisco went into the cortex and monitored Mardon. Nothing has changed he is still unconscious. Cisco sat in a chair and decided to watch Harry Potter on the computer.
Barry and Caitlin walked into their apartment. "I love you." Barry said to Caitlin. "I love you too." Caitlin responded. Barry kissed Caitlin on the lips. Once that kiss was over Caitlin kissed him back. She had her arms around his neck. Barry kissed her again passionately. Soon enough they were making out. They went to their bedroom and jumped on the bed still kissing. Barry paused to say something. "Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want to pressure you in to anything you don't want to do." Barry said. "Positive. Unless you don't want to do it." Responded Caitlin smiling. "Are you kidding!? I love you." Barry said. "Love." Caitlin thought to herself. She sighed mentally. They continued to kiss passionately.
*we all know where this is going so I am not going to write anymore*
To be continued...

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