Chapter 1

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I felt as if I was trapped in the worst nightmare you could possibly think of, that scary dream that you desperately try to open your eyes and awaken from. I stood rigid to the spot as I felt my heart drop when she appeared by the elevator.

How did she get here?

Where did she come from?

All I know is that I fought with everything that I had as she grabbed me until I was safely pulled away into Max's arms.

The look in Bianca's eyes sent a shiver up my spine. She yelled and argued with Max as I stood behind him. Trembling with a mixture of fear, adrenaline from fighting her and the anger that was consuming me, I listened to him defend me.

"If I can't have you, then no one can," She told him. Ice blue eyes cold and filled with hate watched me from a distance.

I wanted to yank all that blonde hair out of her head. I lunged for her, but Max caught me around the waist and held me tight as he fiercely warned her to leave.

When she left, the reality of it all crashed into me. For months we were careful not to be found out. But.... Now... She knows and has evidence on her phone to prove it.

After that night my world has suddenly stopped spinning. I can barely eat or sleep.

Our last argument got us nowhere. It was trivial, but so much tension from Bianca's presence made it worse. She brought the worst out in us both.

I lie awake going over the heated fight we had 4 days ago while scrolling through all of his messages on my cell that I refuse to respond to. I needed time to think.

It was back to the age old decision of me stepping out. A sacrifice I said. It was a wrong choice of word and that set him off.

"Sacrifice? Sacrifice Kira? That's not what this is and you know it." He grit his teeth.

I couldn't take it anymore, it was just too much.

"Yes! Max, it is." I argued back.

"No, it's not. It's your way of running away from trouble. It's your way of giving up," he shouted.

And that's when I unraveled.

"You're the most stubborn man I've ever met Max. Can't you see this is the only way, you're making this hard?" Tears welled up in my eyes and my chest tightened.

"And you're no different Kira." He pulled me close.

Silently we stared at each other. His gaze held mine. The beautiful color of steel and chaotic emotions swirled in their depth. He searched mine and there was no doubt he saw the same because his gaze softened slightly.

"God! Why are you doing this beautiful, I feel like I'm losing control here and you telling me to go through with this isn't helping?," He whispered.

"It's not easy for me either Max, but It's all we can do for now." I lowered my head; not able to look at his eyes that suddenly darkened.

His arms dropped to his side and I watched him struggle internally with his anger as he roughly ran his fingers through his hair, then turned away from me to look out his window.


"Don't Kira, unless you're gonna tell me what I want to hear, then don't say anything," his voice lowered.

"Don't be like this Max," My chest ached.

"So what do I do Kira? Marry her and you be my lover, is that it? Because I'm not giving you up and she sure as hell isn't going to give me a divorce willingly. So what's it gonna be?"

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