Chapter 13

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My hell grew bigger and bigger each day with her absence. No one has seen or heard from her.

By then her parents became frantic with worry.

I texted her constantly, left her voice messages. Pleaded for her to call me. I just needed to hear her voice.

I think I lost touch with my sanity by the week's end when Josh and Amanda sadly looked at me and told me they didn't think she was coming back.

Monday came around again and by this time I was numb sitting before my father, Bianca, her father and our lawyers. It was a carefully thought through and drawn up contract with the wish to merge the both companies. The hopes of our supposed budding relationship and future marriage between the both of us was what drove them to act without thinking. Now that she is pregnant, there is no stepping back.

I said nothing. I banked on the rage pumping through my veins as the lawyers read over the fine details and the terms of our union. The agreement of 3 years. of marriage was finalized. I said nothing. I sat through it simmering with hate. And what worried me is if it was for the child, the mother that carried it or both.

After the 3 years are up, and there are no more children and neither parties desire to continue the union a dissolution of marriage would be filed with the courts.

I stared heatedly at my father as he lowered his head with guilt and so much remorse.

The 3 years sentence in hell is all I needed to hear. All I could take before I pushed furiously away from the table and stood to leave.

As I neared the door Bianca yanked on my arm, begging me not to leave. And I whirled on her.

Before I knew it, I had her pinned against the wall. All chaos broke out as her father began to shout and the others scrambled to pull me off of her. But I wouldn't budge.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I squeezed her arm so tight she whelped.

"Are you satisfied with your handy work?" I gritted my teeth as she clawed at my arm to get free.

"Let's get something straight. This is just a business negotiation manipulated by these two assholes that have no clue of the hell that awaits them."

I watched her eyes bulge.

"I'm living in hell right now because the one person I love left. So for this you're gonna pay. I personally will make your life a living miserable shitty hell for the next 3 years.

There will be no ceremonies or anything. I will sign my half and you sign yours. I live on my end of town. You live on yours. Don't talk to me. Don't even come near me. You think you struck gold when you sided with them for this fucking charade don't delude yourself.... Welcome to your new hell....

And I want a DNA test when the kid is born. If he isn't mine, I want my walking papers. I WANT THE DIVORCE. Understand?

Until then don't. Come. Near. Me."

I let her go as she fell into her father's arms sobbing.

I shrugged off my father at my side and looked at him.

"I hope you heard it all. Because the both of you brought this on yourselves. She has 9 months to prove I'm the father. I can be crass and an asshole and do it sooner, but the risks are high. I prefer to see your faces when you see how the child will be born into a loveless marriage. It's suffering and future therapy expenses will be on both of you."

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