Chapter 25

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I tried to stay awake for most of the night waiting for Max to come home.

After leaving the therapists office a lot was said on Max's behalf that saddened me. He thought I intentionally wanted to replace him with Antonio. That he would be a father figure for Miliana which wasn't the case.

We are friends at least on my side of the spectrum we are. I know he has feelings for me, but I have never given him any reason to think that we would be together.

Max, describing him as Luke and Bianca bothered me because deep down I know he isn't like that. He has been patient and understanding. He hasn't said or done anything for me to worry about him being around Miliana or me.

It wasn't until about 12 midnight when I stirred in my sleep and heard Max slowly make his way through the living room down the hall. I listened as he made his way slowly towards Miliana's room. He always does to check on her and turns on her nightlight before coming to bed.

Then he slowly made his way to our bedroom and softly shut the door.

He sighed, then began to undress and went into the shower. Shortly after I felt him slip beneath the covers gently wrap his arm around me and pull me close. The rich scent of his body wash smelled so good.

He nuzzled his lips to the back of my ear and gently kissed me there.

"I know your awake beautiful," he whispered.

I bit my lip and tightly shut my eyes not able to ignore that fact. Yes, I was awake the moment he stepped off the elevator. He turned me around slowly to face him.

I stayed silent for a while.

"What's it gonna take to get him out of our lives Kira?" he asked with a frustrated sigh. I could smell the faint aroma of mint and vodka on his breath.

He had been drinking.

Then he asked again, this time his question was stern and he demanded an answer.

The question took me by surprise. I didn't quite know how to answer it. I felt sad that Max would ask me that.

"Max... I..." I began to speak, but stopped as he sighed and his hold loosened on me.

Frantically I searched in my mind on what to say. What he was asking me was something I haven't thought about. Don't get me wrong, I know eventually I have to get around to telling Antonio that it's best if he stays out of my life. But, what about Miliana? She cares for him and he adores her.

I felt him pull away to lie on his back against the pillows.

For a silent moment we sat there.

I pushed closer to him and waited for him to say something. Anything.

"Max...please understand," I said.

He spoke and I could hear that tone of frustration in his voice.

"Understand what Kira? Understand that you want to keep a friend of yours around that can be a potential threat to our relationship?"

I shook my head.

"You're not serious Max, he is not a thre..." he didn't let me finish as he pulled me close. I gasped as he turned me over on my back and stretched above me.

"Do you have to argue with everything I say beautiful," he asked irritated.

"Yes, When it doesn't make sense, I do," my heart hammered in my chest with my retort.

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