Chapter 29

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I couldn't count down the day's fast enough!...

I was wired, giddy and very anxious. I was more queasy then anything.

We are officially 3 days away from the big day. My dress was done and I went in for the final fitting and it was perfect.

Amongst my mother and Max's mother, Valerie and Dana I think His mom was more on the verge of needing to be rehydrated with water the way she teared up every second of my fitting.

We went out for lunch and soon met up with Christie, Miliana and Stacy for a mini mani and pedi treatment at the spa. Miliana was ecstatic with her glitter pink fingers and toes.

"So are you up for tonight?" Stacy beamed.

I nodded paying attention to the lady before me filing my nails.

I couldn't stop smiling. I was excited and happy. Tonight was our wedding rehearsal dinner. I know that traditionally it's supposed to be held a day before but we chose tonight so that those that will be arriving from abroad will have time to settle in. Plus my dad and Max's dad decided it would be a great opportunity for a whole day for just the men. In other words they will be kidnapping Max for a night of chaos, male bonding and masculine shenanigans. Whatever that means.

They will be drunk with hangovers come the wedding day....per my mother's observation.

And us girls are gonna have a pow wow of our own.

When we were done we went shopping for my dress for tonight. I wanted to surprise Max. So I went in search for the perfect one.

By the time it was four in the evening we scurried about and rushed home because the dinner would be at seven.

As soon as we arrived home I set out to fix Miliana's hair and dressed her up. As she hopped with her pretty dress and bouncy curls out into the hall, I followed her as she hopped right into her dads arms.

He walked over to me and playfully kissed my lips.

"That's a good look by the way. I'm sure it will turn heads," he chuckled as I shook my head with a laugh.

He smiled referring to my messy bun and robe.

"You wish," I grinned.

"Don't you know it, beautiful," he pecked my nose again before turning away with Miliana.

"Don't let her get dirty," I warned them both.

"I guess ice pops and sundaes are off the list huh princess," she giggled shaking her head as he tickled her and turned away.

I finally went to get ready.

After twenty minutes or so my hair was done and my makeup was on point.

I turned to the bed where I laid out my dress. When I undid my robe and let it fall to the floor, I heard a deep groan.

I bit my lip and smiled walking over to the mirror then I stepped into it and slowly slid on the dress. I felt his warmth at my back as I slid it over my strapless bra.

The image of him in the mirror behind me hungrily watching me caught my gaze.

I said nothing as he gently pulled me back and lowered his lips to my bare shoulder. "You look absolutely sexy in this dress," he mumbled kissing me up to my neck.

"And you look sexy in that suit," I replied staring straight at his gorgeous reflection admiring my neck with his lips.

I could feel the soft rumble of his satisfaction and his growing erection against my backside. I loved the fact that it took little to turn us both on. Just a touch and heated look and we were on fire. Insatiable.

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