Chapter 19

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The bright morning light wasn't the only thing that woke me up that morning.

Tossed on my stomach, I snuggled further beneath the sheets feeling a bit groggy from last night's whiskey binge and the incredible lovemaking that followed. The sweet scent of breakfast wasn't the only thing that woke me up either. But, the small fingers of a curious little angel gently opened one of my eyelids did.

Tilting her head to the side to mimic my sleeping pose, she called my name.

"Max," she whispered.

Slowly my eyes opened to look at the mirror image of my eyes in a cute little face. It was my beautiful little girl standing next to me. She repeated my name. The sudden awareness that I have to tell her I'm her dad floored me.

It's a tough glove to fit for something that's easy for most. I'm a dad. My heart picked up a steady pace as I continued to look at her.

"Hi," I shifted and rose up on my elbows to look at her.

"Hi," she smiled shyly.

I couldn't help smiling back.

I pat the bed and scooted over so she could climb on. "Want to sit next to me?" I asked.

She nodded her head and slowly grabbed my hand to climb up and settled next to me.

She wore a pretty little purple shirt with...I'm imagining the latest cartoon character. .. Believe me, I have no clue, but in it she looks too precious with curly pig tails and sparkly sandals.

"Where is mommy?" I asked, looking at the door and smelling bacon.

Turning to her, she gave this adorable look and spoke.

"Making breakfast."


She nodded her head.

We were silent for a while.

Then she asked. "Are you my mommy's friend?"

I chuckled at the question.

I lowered my head and smiled.

"Yes pumpkin, I am."

After a while of gaining my trust she opened up to me and began to talk. I was on cloud nine listening to her.

In the space of 20 minutes I got to know my daughter outright.

She likes Mac &cheese, Ravioli and bananas. Her favorite princess is Elsa.....???? (I'm clueless to who she is)

Her favorite song is: Do you want to build a snowman?....

Her favorite color is orange.

She doesn't like broccoli(neither do I) and she had a goldfish named Oscar that Percy the cat ate...that cute pouty little face with that revelation had me compelled to go out and buy my princess a whole aquarium filled with goldfish. Hell, I will buy out a whole pet store with those eyes.

So to sum it all up...... I've become putty in this little angel's hands... What? I'm a pushover for the mini version of Kira...

I smiled as she climbed off the bed when Kira called her to go eat breakfast. I waited to when she left and got up quickly to clean up and head out to the kitchen to join them.

As I left my room and headed out to the kitchen, I slowed to a stop and stood leaning against the wall and watched her serve Miliana her breakfast. This moment for me felt surreal. I slowly made my way towards them. Kira turned her head to watch me come closer. She gave me this beautiful smile and turned to face me.

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