Chapter 26

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My eyes stared at the monitor for a while as I contemplated my next move.

Schedule or Reschedule?

My mind could not be made up. Honestly my mind was nowhere in this building. It was on her.

She truly occupied every space of it.

After the mind blowing sex, I don't know why I'm even here. I should have called in and spent my day with her and Miliana.

I sighed and sat back still staring at the screen until the slight tap of the door pulled my eyes away from it.

I looked up to see Josh enter.

The moment he sat down the phone rang. I answered on the second ring seeing it was from reception.

"Mr. Chase there is a Mr. Jacobson here to see you." Gladys said.

I frowned and leaned up close to move the mouse on the desk and clicked over to my agenda.

"Gladys he isn't in my schedule. Did he have an appointment we rescheduled?" I looked up to Josh that was mirroring my confused look.

"Uh no. He says it's a personal matter," she mentioned.

A personal matter? I looked over to Josh as he raised both hands as clueless as I was.

"Show him in and hold my calls will you?" I said.

"Sure thing?"

Seconds later Gladys entered and let a tall gentleman in the excused herself.

I came around the desk and extended my hand greeting him.

"Please take a seat." I offered slowly taking my own I sat to face him looking quickly to Josh that sat beside him. "Tell me what can I do for you Mr. Jacobson."

I watched as he opened his briefcase and pulled out a thick manila folder then slowly closed his briefcase.

"Mr. Chase I am here on behalf of Mr. Donald & Mrs. Barbara McFarlane." he handed me the manila folder.

I looked closely at him then at it as he continued to speak. I slowly reached for it.

Barbara and Donald were the sweet elderly couple that owned the Bed and Breakfast in Vermont that Kira and I visited 3 and a half years ago.

Confused to why he was telling me this, a warm then cold sensation slipped through me as I opened the sealed folder and pulled out documents and folders. My eyes landed on the words on the paper.

Last Will and Testament and Deeds... In bold.

I frowned not understanding any of this.

"Barbara and Donald have sadly passed away and in their last Will and Testament they left everything to you," he said as I combed through the paper work.

My heart dipped at his words. I was silent for a while I sat back taking all of this in.

I looked up to him. "How did they?"

Saddened by what happened, I sat back listened to him.

"Mrs. McFarlane had been ill for years with Cancer that she lost the battle 2years ago. And Donald suffered a heart attack 3 weeks ago and sadly passed away as well. He was recently laid to rest at her side."

I felt awful. After that day, I stayed in contact for months. Then all my problems began, then I stopped. I lost touch with him.

Overwhelmed with such news and sadness I continued to look through everything until I found a sealed envelope with my name written on it.

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