Chapter 21

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I inched low to the floor and peered around the corner in the hallway to see where my little one had run off to in hopes that her, her dad and my cheat of a brother Marcus don't find me.

It was definitely an exhilarating and exciting moment when I smiled; looking for a place to hide then listened to Max and Marcus help Miliana count to 25 and shout out Ready or not her we come...

Hide and Seek was the game of the day. Max, Miliana and Marcus against Valerie, Christie, Josh, Branden and Myself. The goal is to not get caught.

So far my brother tagged poor Josh rounding the halls still looking for somewhere to hide. I had a great advantage because we were in my neck of the woods. My house.

I knew every nook and cranny to hide in that I use to do with Marcus and Jayden. I saw the coast was clear and ran towards the adjoining hall. Listening for the little pitter patter of her feet or the voices of her dad and uncle help her find everyone.

I caught the familiar eyes of my sister hiding behind a large floor vase before she pointed toward the other hall mouthing in silence that they went that way. I nodded and continued in the opposite direction.

You must be wondering why we are doing this?

Well, we thought it would be a good idea to play a more active family game to entertain Miliana. She felt sad when her friend Amanda's mom had to cancel our playdate because Amanda was sick. Then it rained most of the morning and afternoon so all the rides at the park are wet.

So Josh suggested an indoor game as he popped up with Branden rained out of their soccer game and bored as ever.

So as they named off the games, Miliana's pretty little face lit up when he said Hide and Go seek. We paired off into teams and dove straight in for the challenge of being tagged by two grown men and a 3 yr. old.

It was well needed.

Between me being busy with Miliana, work, then school and Max with conferences, meetings and luncheon's, by the time we settle in for the night we are all so exhausted we just have enough strength to kiss her good night, retire to our room, cuddle and drift off to sleep.

So I thought this would be perfect.

I was determined to win this thing and get to home base and be safe. But my cunning brother chose the safe place all the way on the other side of the house. Near the guest house by the pool.

If I could get near the back door and out the back entrance to make a run for it, I may be lucky.

Now here is where all of this is tricky. There is this large open space sort of like a foyer like opening near the back entrance door leading to the pool. I will be exposed heading to the door. Not good.

I slowly made my way carefully around the next corner and peeked carefully down the darkened hall.

As a kid this part of the house always made me wary. The 5 empty bedrooms and 3 large hall closets were a hiding space for just about every monster I could think of as a child. If they weren't under my bed then they were definitely here I use to think. So I avoided this area at all costs. But not today. I need to get past the long stretch to the door.

I pressed against the wall and walked carefully and kept my ears opened, listening for them. I passed one door then another until I went passed another then BAM.

Strong arms circled my waist and a hard hand covered my mouth and yanked me into the dark closet.

The familiar mouthwatering scent of aftershave slowed my thundering heart down and his velvety smooth voice quieted me alerting me it was just him.

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