Chapter 4

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My morning found me crouched with Kira on the floor of the bathroom holding her hair and comforting her as she gripped the toilet with her life and violently threw up in it. My heart was in turmoil as she panted and cried in agony from her throbbing head. We sat like this for a few hours until she finally collapsed in my arms sobbing with emotional exhaustion.

I stood with her and helped her wash her face and brush her teeth before carrying her back to bed.

By now, I knew she vaguely remembers what she did. What I did.

I felt guilty but relieved.

I lay beside her, pulling her close and listened to her breathing. I stayed like this for a while until I noticed how late the day had gotten. Her phone buzzed most of the morning. I finally decided to pick it up.

I scrolled over the countless messages.

Karebear it's late are you coming to school?~Stacy

Where the hell have you been all night? I've gotten text messages that you were at Diamonds call me ASAP~ Valerie

Kira what's going on, why aren't you at school? please call me ~Dana

I closed it and tossed it back on the table, then turned to her, pressing my lips to her forehead. Reluctantly, I pulled away soon after and gave her one last look before leaving the room.

I walked over to the couch and sat there looking at the sky rises beyond my window. I felt exhausted and horrible with sorrow and guilt.

I leaned up and pulled out my phone to call Josh.

I sat back and listened to him answer the phone cautiously.

"Max...," he said my name and the tone was filled with worry.

I was silent for a while. I rested my head in my hand.

"I fucked up Josh," I blew out a shaky breath.

"What did you do?" he asked.

"I was rough with her." I whispered.

"Damn it max," he breathed.

A moment of silence passed then suddenly the urge to ball like child consumed me but I held it in.

"Max?" he paused "Did you ra...," his voice shook.

"I would never do that to her." I warned him in a low tone.

Silence followed, and then I continued.

"In a jealous rage I wanted to punish her Josh. She wanted to make me feel the way she felt because Bianca sent photos of us together from a long time ago. I really fucked up," I took a deep breath.

"Shit Max, what are you gonna do?

"I don't know man. I'm drowning here. I'm losing it." I whispered.

"Talk to her Max, you have come too far to let Bianca mess the both of you up."

"I know, I will," I agreed.

"I'm not going in to the office today; can you fill in for me?" I asked.

"Say no more I'm on it, get some rest. ...The both of you," He said.

Relieved and somewhat satisfied with my call, I took his advice and stretched out on the couch. She needed her space I wasn't sure in what mood, she will wake up in.

I slowly dozed off. It wasn't until about early into midday I felt warm, soft hands, press on my chest and her sweet voice calling my name.

My eyes slowly opened and settled on hers. We silently stared at one another. Her apprehensive glance saddened me. I had to reassure her that I loved her no matter what.

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