Chapter 15

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2 months later.....

I sadly exchanged glances with Christie as we sat in the Doctor's office. My heart took on a rhythm of its own as he frowned and scribbled on a pad at his desk.

I bit anxiously at my lip, worried and crestfallen that something was terribly wrong with my baby.

I woke up with the worst cramp ever and then spotting which Christie alarmed as ever told me that wasn't good and went with me to the Doctors.

"Dr. Jansen will she be o.k.," Christie asked impatiently.

He looked up at her then at me with a soft smile. His slight Dutch accent in his assuring tone spoke.

"Yes, she needs to eat well and I want you on full bed rest immediately," He sternly looked at me over his glasses.

"Bed rest !" I swallowed hard.

Panicked, I looked at Christie before hearing him repeat the words again.

"Until when?" I twirled the gown I changed into.

"Until I feel it is ok for you to move around. We need to make this a productful pregnancy No?" he asked.

I nodded. Watching him smile and pull the page off the pad.

"Very good here is a prescription for prenatal vitamins and I will see you in 2 weeks two monitor your progress," he said handing me the paper.

"So no traveling?" I slouched.

"Not unless you wish to lose your baby, then I do not advise it."

I took a deep breathe.

I watched as he stood and left so that I could get dressed.

" So no traveling half pint." Christie breathed.

I finished dressing behind the curtain listening to her and sadly answering back. Bed Rest I shivered. I was at risk of losing my baby and needed to be in bed. I slowly lowered my hand to my stomach and rubbed it gently.

No traveling for now little one...

Ever since that morning Christie and I sat waiting for the timer for the pregnancy test to go off, I never imagined this happening. I was in total shock and believed it was a false alarm. I mean. I was on the Depo shot.

We brainstormed. I racked my brains trying to understand how this happened.

"The man is a stallion doll I don't think that Depo was strong enough," Christie shook her head.

I frowned at her teasing.

Leave it to her to say something like that.

Then when she asked about antibiotics. It suddenly hit me. My sinus infection in November.

My pregnancy was confirmed after, through blood work and a due date of August 5th ....

I was nervous, shocked and happy.

I am going to have Max's baby.....


Finally home and resting in bed per Dr. orders, I decided to occupy my time on my phone. Scrolling through countless feeds and FB pics of close friends, I felt kind of down that I couldn't blurt out to the world and say I was pregnant.

I felt even worse when I saw Bianca's new status change from Single to Married. I know I'm trolling. I'm guilty as charged. Say what you like. Yes, I'm an idiot for walking away.

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