Chapter 18

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I was livid when I left Winthrop Towers. And was still that way when I stormed into my father's office pacing and cursing.

Flabbergasted and wide eyed, my father sat back and watched me with a worried gaze.

"She had the nerve to keep her from me, can you believe it?" I turned to face his puzzled stare.

"Ssson what is it?" he asked.

Concern etched on his face as I turned to face him.

I silently watched him.

My jaw clenched. Could he have known?

"Kira is back." I said. Studying his expression.

His aloof gaze held mine with sadness and then remorse.

"Did you talk to her?" he asked.

From that look in his eyes, he couldn't have known.

I shook my head and swallowed hard at the lump forming in my throat.

"We did. And I found out something today," I said, my voice cracked.

He waited for me to explain.

"I have a daughter dad. A 3 yr old daughter." I blurted out.

I watched his face contort from shock to bewilderment immediately.

Now I can't really explain why my father looked as if he was receiving the most sought after news of the century. I never expected for him to react this way.

He was in tears.

I feared it would be because it was Kira and that because she was a Winthrop, but that wasn't the case. Surprisingly he confessed his error in signing the contract and how he has suffered for his wrong choices.

His voice shook and my heart felt heavy because in all honesty, I've never seen the man cry before. Never..

So imagine the view.

"A grandbaby?...." he paused.

I was astonished with the sudden joy that crossed his face.

My eyes burned and I shook my head before I sniffed and cleared my throat.

"The most beautiful and precious thing dad, I've ever seen. She is every bit of her mother with my eyes." I proudly stated.

His astonished gaze softened and more tears fell as he shut his eyes and buried his face in his hands. He was beside himself with joy.

We spoke for a while and he listened in sad silence as I poured my heart out and told him how angry I was that she never told me about her.

"What is her name?" he sniffed.

I looked at him as a smile tugged at my lips with the thought of just how considerate Kira was to name our first child after me regardless of whether she was female or male.

"Maximiliana," I said.

He proudly repeated her name: Maximiliana.

Miliana for short.

I took a deep breath, listening to him trying to get me to understand her sacrifice. What she gave up. And that despite what we went through, now was not the time for arguing.

Get to know your baby. He urged.

"And what of the mother of my child, dad? I can't have one without the other. I love her. I can't bare to lose her again.," I shook my head.

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