Chapter 28

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My morning was not my best. My back was stiff, my neck kinked, a shameful hard on unsatisfied and my make shift bed on the floor empty. This scenario was truly not good.

I flopped on my back with a groan taking in the morning light in the room from the floor before I slowly stood and threw the covers and pillow on the bed.

I smirked at the fact that she left me sleeping so she wouldn't have to confront me. More or less be under me. I shook my head and went to wash my face then brush my teeth. I drew on my jeans and went down stairs to get my bag so that I could shower.

I made it towards the living room that was empty. The smell of coffee pulled me in the direction of the kitchen.

I entered slowly and took in the view of the large ornate kitchen. It was modern and fairly large with a round table facing the large windows with a view of the lake out back.

It's where she sat quietly looking out at the distance unaware of my presence. She sat with her legs to her chest in baggy pajama bottoms and t-shirt. Her hair tied in a messy bun. And a steaming cup of coffee before her on the table. If you ask me she looked breathtaking.

"Morning," I said stepping forward.

She blinked and turned to look at me.

"Morning," she whispered.

We stared at each other for some time, her eyes held that soft gaze of longing for a brief moment before it was gone. God only knows I want her just as much. Maybe even more.

Her eyes shyly combed over me in a stare that I swear was admiring and lustful then quickly disappeared. She quickly licked her lips and lowered her gaze before stammering out the question if I wanted coffee.

She slowly stood as I said yes.

I made my way to the table softly brushing past her. It was barely a touch and my skin felt alive. I took a seat facing her and watched her petite curves stretch and gracefully move about getting the cup, moving to the stove and picking up the kettle to pour hot water in the cup.

Instant coffee was the choice of the day since I didn't see the coffee maker on.

"I couldn't find the filters or ground coffee so I chose the instant instead," she said softly taking her seat beside me.

We sat in silence for a while sipping slowly our coffee.

"I spoke to Miliana this morning," she whispered.

I smiled. "You did?"

She nodded.

An awkward silence grew between us.

Before I could say anything she slowly stood and placed her cup in the sink. I sighed and sat back to look at her. I could tell the whole time she looked at me when I wasn't looking. She was being stubborn in refusing to talk to me.

I watched her leave.

I pushed my cup away frustrated at this whole ordeal. I stood to follow her.

"Kira how long are you planning to give me the silent treatment." I trailed behind her.

She stopped in the middle of the living room and turned to face me.

Before she said anything I continued.

"Are you waiting for me to feel worse than I already feel then fine you got that but you're not going to ignore me or make me go away by pretending that I'm not here."

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