Chapter 23

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I sat back in my chair staring at the screen before me. Some part of my thoughts were lost to all that has transpired in the last couple of days.

Ever since the day that Antonio showed up, a tension of unease began to form over my relationship with Kira. Another trial of an obstacle you can say. When he kissed her I saw red and I was so livid I took my anger out on her. I was mean and a prick to her although she apologized and begged me to listen to her.

After that evening when I made love to her I felt a shift in what we have.

His presence shortly after brought out the worst in me.

The fact that my own daughter likes him sets my blood on fire. To have her see him as a father figure threatens so much of my pent up anger to explode.

Countless attempts at keeping him away was futile because he was every fucking where. Although it wasn't Kira who invited him, he showed up beside Christie.

My jealous antics in my mind were not an exaggeration. My possessiveness was not an overindulgence either. I just did not take kindly to anyone trying to take what was mine. but for the sake of my child and future wife I held it all in. I put on my game face daily and forged on counting the days until I can finally say "I do".

A slight tap at the door came and I looked up from my screen. I watched Josh poke his head through the door.

He studied me for a minute. Then nodded.

"You up for lunch? My stomach is touching my spine."

I leaned forward and closed my laptop. "Sure what you up for?"

"A big ass Jack Daniels steak, super loaded baked potato with all the fixings and a tall cold beer... one or two. Maybe even some cheesecake to polish it all off." He sat back and rubbed his stomach.

I shook my head as he gave me this goofy grin and shrugged his shoulder.

"Fine...but if I end up face down drooling on my laptop later because of this high carbohydrate induced coma you concocted your gonna have to explain yourself to Kira."

He frowned then sat up.

"Look at me. I'm skin and bones because of Carla's disgusting detox smoothies and P90x drills she has subjected me to. I need carbs man and sugar I can't go another day without it. I'm dying." He squeezed his chest in a pitiful plea.

I chuckled, shaking my head.

It's true. Carla was a workout buff. When she set her mind to something she got it done. They were a cute couple I have to admit. She changed him in more ways than one.

I stood up to grab my jacket and told the secretary I was off to lunch. The moment I hung up, my cell rang.

I pulled it out and looked at the all too familiar butterfly on the screen.

"Hey, let me get this call I will catch up with you," I watched as he nodded and left. I waited till the door clicked shut, then I answered.


My toes flexed at the sound of Kira's soft voice. "Hi, Beautiful."

A silence followed.

"Tell me we're fine." she breathed.

I tightly shut my eyes, my heart twisting in my chest. She had to be feeling the same unsettling rift between us that was troubling me as well.

Two nights ago we had an unpleasant argument about an issue more or less a topic we were not seeing eye to eye with. It was suggested by both our mothers that we do Premarital Counseling. I was taken back by the idea that she would be on board with talking to a total stranger about our problems. I mean....that's what we had each other for.

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